(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 04:36

RULE ONE: If you want people to come up and talk to you, don't hold up pictures that make them feel sick and walk away.

The pro-life people were at school on Wednesday and they had photos of aborted fetuses. And they had their five-year-old kids passing out pamphlets. Frankly, I wouldn't want my child seeing those images at all, let alone passing out literature about something they couldn't possibly understand at that age.

Now, just for clarification (and I know I'll probably take a few hits for this), my stance on abortion is this: I am pro-choice, but I could never get one. And I certainly don't think it should be someone's main method of birth control...if you weren't careful, you have to deal with the consequences. HOWEVER: in the situations of rape or incest or some other horrible situation, I think it should be allowed since the situation is not in the woman's control.

But that's not the point at all. I don't care what you're protesting. Even if someone were trying to raise awareness for the situation in Darfur, something I am completely in support of, I wouldn't exactly say it was a great idea if they were holding signs with pictures of people's heads blown off. Those sorts of images make people want to walk away from them, not come closer and see what they're about.

I understand what they were trying to do. I know they were trying to shock us and raise an emotional response. And I completely respect their right to be there. But there was only one image that didn't make me want to throw up: it was a photo of a beautiful, healthy, adorable little baby with the word "Life" printed below it. Had they used images similar to that, I would probably have been more likely to listen to what they had to say. That image moved me more than the other pictures of bloody, aborted fetuses, because it raised my maternal instincts rather than my gag reflex.

I'm just saying.
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