(no subject)

Oct 03, 2006 15:41

Butyoudontlooksick.com is awesome.

One of my posts in reponse to the "how do you respond when people say, 'but you don't LOOK sick'?" topic:

Ooh, but I can add to the list, kinda-sorta. When I tell people I need them to speak up or face me when talking to me because I can't hear them, they usually say something like, "What are you, DEAF?!?" and I say one of three things:

1. "More or less."
2. "What are you, MEAN?"
3. "I'm sorry, what?"

And then they notice that I'm not wearing hearing aids. I say one of three things:

1. "You're right, I'm not. I haven't been diagnosed with any formal hearing problems, I just have trouble. Good eye, though."
2. "Yes, and you're not wearing a hat. See, we're both observant."
3. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to speak up. What?"

And then they usually ask how I can speak if I can't hear (?!?!?!? I CAN hear, just not perfectly! Whatever). I say one of three things:

1. "Well, I wasn't born this way...the problems started being noticable in the past couple of years."
2. "I'm an actress, jerk, of course I can speak!"
3. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

It all depends on the mood.

Jake's reponses:

i have one similar to others already posted

"really? well you don't look ignorant, but that's life eh? *biiiig smile*

*whips out mirror* "really?? woooowww...i coulda sworn i did..."

"I don't look like a day walker either, but i am one!"

"BWAH" (that one gets odd looks but is SOOO much fun)

"thank GOODNESS, i was afraid someone would find me out!"

*dislocates shoulder* "NOW I DO!" [<--my favorite]

*dislocates shoulder* "CRAP!"

just a few
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