Oct 02, 2006 20:48
Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since the last time I wrote. I have been absoltely buried since August. We got back from Cozumel and things got crazy as Dragon Con got closer. Then Dragon Con came and went, which was a blast by the way, and then it seems like work just got out of control. I came back to a slight mess and then it just got messier and messier. The fourth phase of my project should have 'rolled' to production the first of September. At this point we are so late that we are being forced to roll it in pieces. I have stayed late every night this past month and this month isn't looking much better. I've also given up most of my weekends too. This past weekend I was forced to drive back to the office twice for some of the stupidest reasons imaginable. Currently I am at work! We are going over financial reports and some of my coworkers are arguing about time stamps and which database to get them out of. Its painful - really. There is a sick and twisted part of me that enjoys what I'm doing. I have tried to kill that part many times but it is rather illusive. Most of me is tired of giving up my free time. I am too tired and pissed off in the mornings to go running like I once did. I don't leave work in time to see any sun light, especially with it being fall, so I don't get to go walking/hiking after work. Since I'm stuck in front of my laptop on the weekends I can't go ride my bike or have any fun.
I did get to go to the Frist this past Friday to see the Egyptian exhibit. It was really nifty. I was hoping there would be more stuff there but what they had was really unique. Lots of things I've never seen before. The audio tour was really informative too. I went out for a good dinner afterword and had some really good conversation with friends. That was really my only reprieve from work hell. Part of this hell has to end by the 10th. Only because that is when Deer Awards and OTC become available. If we don't make that date I'm not sure what is going to happen. The state was talking 'damages' on the last conference call. The rep at the state has to go before a committee tomorrow and explain why the financials are all screwed up and why it is/has taken us so long to get it together - assuming we can before tomorrow.
I am looking forward to the end of this year. I know that seems like a long way off but as far as work is concerned we will have crossed the license year and things will be calm once more.
I am also looking forward to Halloween, but at this rate I won't have the time to get the costume I want together. I have a grand idea but at this point that is as far as it has gotten. ::sigh::
Well, I have to work some more now. Hope all is well out there!