Jul 29, 2008 05:52
Maybe not loser, but damned flaky lately. I wrote down TUESDAY the 28th as being the date to pay Electric/Water bill or would be sent a nasty cutoff notice. Well.... MONDAY was the 28th. I had to leave earlier from work than planned so I could take care of that. Pissed me off that I wrote down the wrong day and was fixated on the day, not date.
Doctor appointments yesterday..... BP still too high. Started the new med he prescribed last week. Will be starting the new diet after payday. I don't have any $$ for special food right now.... so will continue to live on cereal and couscous the rest of the week. No biggie.
Was hopeful about the other situation. That doctor is always fairly noncommittal, but he did say that he didn't see any more spots. Playing the waiting game with the lab now. Not dwelling on it. I think my BP is closer to killing me right now than cancer. I could be completely wrong, but if I am , will deal with it at the proper time.
Got my first hits on my N'ness LMAO. Too exciting!
So..... a week after I discontinued my subscription to Match.com, I get an email saying someone has sent me a message, which of course, I can't access, because I cancelled my subscription. My question.... since I disabled my profile before I ever left the site, how would anyone send me a message? Methinks Match.com is trying to get more money out of me. Seems a little havey-cavey..... At least E-Harmony was upfront about not being to match me to anyone. Immediately. "You are unmatchable" . So hilarious.
I finally was able to talk to SS.... after several years of trying to get all that business cleared up. I feel better now. As always, the big problem was a huge hug HUGE miscommunication/misunderstanding. This time, not all my fault...... definitely two-sided, that. The positive thing... maybe we can talk as adults now and be friends again. We used to have good times.
Ruby messed in the house again while I was at work yesterday.... it is really making me crazy and I don't know what to do. I can't afford a crate. What's worse is I know it bothers Yoyo. She is messing in HIS house.
Was reading "Dancing with the Goddess Incarnate" this morning. About the silliest, fluffiest book ever. I am listing it on Amazon. I don't want it on my bookshelf.
I still have a credit on paperbackswap.com but just not finding anything I want. It would be nice to get a new book to read, however, so maybe I will look again. I am running out and the Shelbyville library is not exactly the most well stocked of libraries. I was excited to find a used bookstore, just off the square. Unfortunately, it was chock full of Harlequin romances and westerns, of all things. Slim pickings on contemporary and classic fiction.
I am in the mood to go antiquing, but I know that will have to wait. I am going to go to Nashville on the 3rd for a luncheon and plan to make a day of it, health permitting. I want to go into Green Hills and stroll the aisles of Whole Foods and head over to Jake's place to look for a travel coffee cup with the Cup o' Joe to Go logo on it. I love that t'shirt.... want a mug also. I will probably take advantage of being on the West End and go to Borders, Magical Journey, and all those nifty vintage clothing stores on Louise St. I am so looking forward to this and I hope nothing happens so that I can't go. I could use a day of window shopping ... and I am really looking forward to the luncheon and meeting some cool people. I only know 2 people and there is supposed to be 10-12.
I am still craving the Hermit tattoo. John is supposed to head up here the last week of October, but I am thinking of going down there to pick him up so I can get that done. I don't know any local tattoo artists that I trust that much and it's such a detailed picture... I want it done right.
Listening to the Beatles this morning. A Beatles sort of day........
life dramas,
pagan lifestyle,