What goes around ...

Feb 15, 2006 12:21

Update time again ... does come around quickly.

I have very poor chat today as I'm fecking shattered - I keep promising myself every night that I'm going to go to bed early - but before I know it it's midnight and I've not done my ironing for the day before etc etc ...
But there is light at the end of the tunnel - I've just taken the whole of next week off as leave. I have bugger all money to do anything ... but I cannot wait for the break :)

Been playing catch up with my sleep all of this week after Noir on Saturday. Twas a good night - usual nakedness, drunkenness and propositions from married men and strange girls at the bar. Oh and a hell of a lot of girls in polka dot dresses :)
Seriously there must have been about 20 of us - twas quite funny in the end.
Went back to Jamie and Brian's for drinks and ended up talking nonsense with Jamie till 8 in the morning when it occurred to me that I really did have to go to my nieces birthday party that day and I should probably get some sleep.

I managed two hours then I was woken up, shoved into a car and taken to hell on earth (a large space filled with very loud children, brightly coloured padded climbing frames, my family and James's very mental catholic family).
The smell of hell was a mixture of chip fat and children ...
Obviously I was a bundle of sunshine and joy esp when it's announced to the table that I'd staggered home at 8 in the morning. Mrs Chalmers looked like she wanted to stone me to death there and then! But I survived - nearly puked when I was offered cake - but made it through the worst of it and came home to my beautiful and amazing bed.

Most of this week has been made up with me starting at the crack of dawn and working late to build up some flexi time - Got Friday off to either sleep before the Soundhaus or run around mental, get my hair done and then go to the Soundhaus - I think I'll wait till Friday to choose which one I pick !
It's not like I need to have good hair for the Soundhause the place is a bombsite ... a fun and mental night out - but still a bombsite.

Should really get it done soon though - the roots are shocking and the length is driving me nuts - maybe I'll get it done on Monday before the Chicks of Speed gig.

So many plans ... so much time :) - Just so little cash :(

Right I'm away to rob a bank
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