i have taken a lot of photos lately. if you have dial up, your not going to like this entry, or a few after it either.......
so last thursday i went with logan and my brother to the last Red Hook Moonlight movie of the summer. they showed the Bourne Identity. which i have seen a couple times already, but thats ok. i had gone the week before, for Better Off Dead (which was HILarious btw, with all the MST3K-ness going on from the people around us), but this time i brought my camera.
my hacky sack loving brother
taking a picture of logan whos taking a picture of me! if you look close, you can see me in his sun glasses.
they are a pretty popular thing, these Moonlight movies. people even bring air mattresses and bean bag chairs.
the big blow up screen they use. sorry for the blurriness.