Lulie's Font Links of the Day: -- Guess-the-font game. I scored 20 on my first go. Not bad, not great. I need to learn more about sans-serif fonts. -- A comic strip. I think this is the only one in the strip that mentions fonts. -- Font identifier. Wanted to know what font the previous comic was modeled on? Go to Identifont, answer a few questions, and it guesses for you. (ITC Berkeley Old Style, btw.)
Font trivia:
- This blog uses Georgia for its banner, Arial for post titles and Trebuchet MS for block-quotes.
- Most of the alternate fonts are Lucida Grande, because although the first-choice fonts are so common that it'll never be seen, it's nice knowing it's there. It really is a lovely font.
- I compose most of these blog posts while using Lucida Grande, via LJ's standard Post an Entry form (which uses Safari's default font). The others I compose while using Monaco 10pt, via TextEdit.
Edit: Missed this one: -- A short movie about font characters.