so... you're insane?

Nov 19, 2009 23:22

Because I enjoy spaming your F-list. Stolen from hargie_42 who stole it from scriberestagere, who are both awesome.

Before we start this meme, yes, I hear voices and yes, the voices and I have lovely conversations "Crazy" is such a subjective term...

1. Are you a “pantser” or a “plotter?”

When I write, it's because something came into my head - a quote, or an image - and all my writing is centered around it; the plot flows afterwards.

2. Detailed character sketches or “their character will be revealed to me as a I write”?

The characters are already there, fully formed and matured. They wait until they have something to tell me, then whisper their secrets. I write them down for them.

3. Do you know your characters’ goals, motivations, and conflicts before you start writing or is that something else you discover only after you start writing?

They tell me what they need me to know and I construct the rest.

4. Books on plotting - useful or harmful?

I've never actually seen one of those before.

5. Are you a procrastinator or does the itch to write keep at you until you sit down and work?

When the characters talk to me, the writing flows so I have to put something in front of it to catch it right away.

6. Do you write in short bursts of creative energy, or can you sit down and write for hours at a time?

Creative bursts, but I usually like to finish what I write in one shot.

7. Are you a morning or afternoon writer?

When ever the mood strikes me.

8. Do you write with music/the noise of children/in a cafe or other public setting, or do you need complete silence to concentrate?

I need a background distraction, but that has more to do with being a child of the twentieth century than anything else.

9. Computer or longhand? (Or typewriter?)

Longhand. I hate typing. (Woe, the irony.)

10. Do you know the ending before you type Chapter One?

Never. I write until I need to stop and they're done talking to me.

11. Does what’s selling in the market influence how and what you write?

Never. I write what they need to say.

12. Editing - love it or hate it?

Love it.

Bonus questions!

13. Why do you want to write?

I don't necessarily want to; it just comes out.

14. Do you want to publish your work? Why?

No, that's never the goal of my work.

15. Do like to write alone or do you like to work with other? Why?

I'm picky about who I would work with so if I have worked with you, consider yourself in the in-club. It's an exclusive club. Enjoy your stay.


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