Sep 13, 2006 08:49
I found a way of doing it now and feel quite stupid
I am gonna ramble about crap now.... I hate technology and thoughtless artists...
I am peed off, I am now obsessed with a David Sylvian song called Bamboo Music since I watched the music video on Youtube...and I cannot buy it anywhere...
So I decide yesterday to record the audio from YouTube, which took aaages because the processing power on my laptop is so nancy that whenever I opened the recording software that downloaded (free I might add which would explain why its so shite) with youtybe at the same time it disrupted the video....and it wouldn't play equalling gaps in the recording and time to start again...
Anyway after many false starts I recorded it, just to find that although my computer tells me that the recording is an mp3 that it won't go on my ipod and thus is not actually an mp3 after all...I don't understand technology, its makes me mad, how can the comp be saying its an mp3 and my ipod plays mp3 but it won't play it??
Matt reckons is some other file (with a funny name) that looks like an mp3 but is really just a list of codes that the computer is playing from the internet. So in order to get the song I'll have to download another sound recording software that actually makes mp3 files instead of merely saying it does and then wait until it records without fucking the youtube video up...which will take forever...well it did yesterday...:( :( I hate being thwarted!!
More than anything it fucking sucks that people make good songs and then don't feature it on any of their fucking albums....god I want to murder with the effort I have taken to try to get this song....its just so cool creepy and cool as fuck and the video on YouTube my gods David Sylvian is beautiful and well even though its eightiesfied its sooo cool...lovely stuff I would be so happy to get that song you wouldn't believe...
I need Sony Sound Forge, which is a recording program which does genuinely make mp3's but it costs cash....I guess I'm off to find an illegal free download of gods why can't things be simple??????
technological illiteracy,
david sylvian