Oct 26, 2009 12:00
I tell you the only awesome thing to ever grace the pages of the Sun - besides their persistant substitution of hard news for animal stories, was Frankie Boyle's page t'other day. Maaaan alive. Forever etched in my mind is his assertion that Jack Straw on Question Time looked like 'Deputy Dawg internalising a bereavement'. Deputy Dawg INTERNALISING a BEREAVEMENT. For some reason, the source of which I'm sure mankind will never locate, that makes me laugh hysterically.
Everyone I've shared that with has of course not shared the reaction but nonetheless the lolz effect on me is persistant.
Watched Question Time and as such was amused by Nick Griffin's assertion that the BBC made him look like a bigot, because of course that is rather his fault.
He was interesting to watch though really he was. Desperately approval seeking, a constant nervous smile plastered to his face. He looked intellectually outclassed and confused by the words that were coming and had come from his mouth in the past, as if he was only just aware that they didn't knit together into anything approaching a reasonable or sane philosophy on life. Smiling all the while like a mischevious, naughty little boy Griffin did not, at all, even remotely, look like he should be the leader of anything. Of course I suspected that this was undoubtedly a ploy to make him seem less harmless, less threatening in the eye of any viewers but of course when issues of such gravity are being discussed man such an approach will backfire, because there was indeed, as other people have said, something terribly creepy about a grown man so unable to control his facial muscles, that he found himself beaming with joy whilst talking about the Nazi's murder of the Jews.
I am so glad to be able to see the sheer stupidity of his attempts to appear less hardline and fascist in order to manipulate support displayed time and time again.
Gotta love that BNP logic though haven't you?
The admission was leavered from him that they are hankering for a return to pure racial states that never, ever, ever existed.
Their determination to obscure the fact that they are racist behind nationalist policies, when even a cursory look at their website and the fact that until they were forced to change by anti discrimination bills that they were strictly WHITES ONLY oh and also the fact that they hold meetings with the Klu Klux Klan (lol love how Griffin was like only a non violent branch of the Klu Klus Klan...believing it was the violence that people objected to and not the racism - not too good at thinking bless him), lets you know just how racist they are.
Another thing that amused me was how much I actually hate the Tories failiure to comprehend that being really excessively tough on immigration is not actually far from racism. I mean the selfish insistence that we not let any more Eastern European immigrants in, or that we only let in the 'best ones' is equally as ridiculous as anything the BNP has ever said. It's another thing refusing criminals entry and checking on Visas which of course we should be doing but denying people access to this country indefinitely?
I just hate the Conservatives, which is good, because I always thought I did.
My laptop started playing up last night. It wouldn't shut down. I turned it off manually and then started it up four times before it decided to shut down as I asked it to. It just makes me nervous, I still haven't finished paying for this piece of shit.
Oh and in more disturbing news I now have a crush on David Spade.
He's just so lolz, whether he's sitting there with highlighted hair cracking onto Ellen and yapping about his hilarious mother, or cowering in fear from Chris Farley's rambunctious affection or you know just describing how his real life assistant and apparent friend once broke into his house in the middle of the night and beat the shit out of him with bonus taser in order to rob him. Also did I mention the atrocious hair, consistently atrocious hair. There was this clip that they brought up on Ellen's show where he had what looked to be a Jheri curl it was terrifyingly brilliantly bad. Oh and awesomely he also had Bugs Bunny on his jeans at the same time....
He's just so effortlessly CAMP.
Man I love him.
He is fun tiems.
the sun,
david spade,