I went to see I Love you Man today.
It was ok, pretty funny in places, despite it's use of projectile vomit as a gag.
I liked it particularly because Andy Samberg of the Lonely Island was in it as Paul Rudd's gay brother. Geez that man is just so strangely attractive. To me he totally looks Gaspard Ulliel would if he was busted in the face, particularly in the video for Jizz in mah Pants where he has straight hurr. I'm totes gonna do a side by side when I have the time to make caps.
His odd rescemblance to him, coupled with his totally randomness makes him totally beautiful. I've watched every interview I can and he just says all these atrocious, hilarious, odd things and it's overtly humour developed through self-consciousness because when he has to be serious he seems so much more fragile and insecure, he's just qwute.
Sometimes I think he might be my favourite member of The Lonely Island. At the moment despite this oddly touching photo of a different member,
Akiva lovingly cradling a bass
he totally is. This is both because of the movie and because my favourite Lonely Island song rite now is probably "Natalie's Rap" which as I've mentioned before features Natalie Portman giving a lolsome expletive filled rap about her life (it's so win to sing outloud because it features lines like "I'll kill your fuckin dog for fun, so don't push me!" and her telling all her fans to "Suck my dick") and in the SNL video for the song, Samberg turns up near the end to sing the hook dressed inexplicably as a Viking and that just gives the whole enterprise that extra nudge of surrealism that it surely needed to make it awesome.
Click to view
The non censored versions can easily be found on youtube but all were non embeddable for some reason
Anyway I digress
might contain spoilers...
More about I Love You Man,
I alternated between thinking the film was secretly a pretty clever commentary on male/male relations which was masquerading as shallow, gender simplistic trash and then wondering if I hallucinated depth.
I still can't tell.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but given the story I don't think I am. The whole thing is about whether male friends are necessary for a man about to get married to a woman who he loves very much and calls his best friend. It's not about the need for friends external to the relationship because the male character has many female friends whom he shares the events of his life etc, its about MALE friends specifically.
So it makes you wonder if it is genuinely saying that there is something special about same gendered friendships that romantic relationships or cross gender friendships cannot achieve, or whether it is actually saying that men think they need men for all these things but don't. I mean Peter the main character is a man who has female friends, he only gets male friends because people tell him he needs them not because he feels like he does. It seems to totally absorb the whole gender as a social construct thing there but then.
I mean there was much talk about women's natural inability to 'get' men, as though there was something significantly and overwhelmingly different about the sexes. One of the character talks about testosterone and the animal nature of man for instance but then that same man is shown up time and time again in the film for being an emotionally fucktaded arse, so his version of reality isn't exactly embraced.
I can't tell if the end, where the characters end up agreeing that there is something unique to same gender friendships that cannot be equalled and is in fact necessary to be 'normal', shows them being fooled by a myth or whether it's genuinely confirming the reality of it.
I mean maybe it's confused for a reason.
Man I'm confused.
Something makes me suspect that it's actually got layers and that it's not about showing up the one non traditionally masculine man as being wrong. i mean it shows a deft understanding of subtlety elsewhere.
I mean winningly there were bisexual characters in this film and even although they aren't really acknowledged explicitly as being bisexual (Samberg plays a gay man who goes for 'straight' men for example and another man ogles a woman but then tries to kiss the main male character), there is a wink about the proclaimed straightness of the men involved, whilst not actually calling them gay and that suggests a knowing insight into the non validity of the divisions of sexuality that occur in society and specifically in men's minds.
A film like that would, I think, also understand that men aren't from mars whilst women are from Venus. It would understand that the differences between people are what's important and not between genders and yet the whole concept of friendship is unremittingly and overally brought back to gender all the time.
Man I just confused myself. I don't know what on earth I'm ranting on about.
LOL of course it was shallow as fuck. It has a recurring joke about dog poop ffs.
I mean not only is he Zac Efron and it would be uber lame but he's got r r pointy teeth and wax skin...
Brane if you do then