I was gonna post part of my shag list in here but I will save such niceties for a bit. I read the Sun and ah it's nice to see that with the whole scandal about Prince Harry referring to other soldiers as Paki and raghead that Jane Moore, the columnist in the Sun has been given the chance to show us readers again
just how enlightened she is about race relations.
Oh and read the sickening comments there.
Apparently what Harry said was 'offensive' and yet she seems to view it as quite harmless, "a misguided attempt to appear one of the lads" at the same time. She believes it's exactly the same as when "...a black soldier might teasingly refer to "my honky friend""
She even comes out with this old classic.
"In the same week this old footage (of Harry) emerged, Big Brother contestant Coolio was using the word nigger on national television and baely anyone batted an eyelid. But then of course, he's black an from the ghetto and Harry is a posh white boy who happens to be third in line to the English throne."
Because she believes that the use of racial terms across the two instances
Except you know I know I haven't ever called a person a honky and yet I've been called Paki (lol wut racists are sew stoopid) or a nigger tons of times.
Or not so explicitly I have had my race treated as far more remarkable (for apparent good or bad) than anything I personally do or say, far more times that any white person would have done in this society.
I mean who could forget that old nugget of
"I'm not attracted to black girls"
I've been treated with hostility and disgust because of my race or led to feel as if I am lesser than some people because of my race. So you know those words that refer to my race have far more personal resonance with me than most white people, (unless of course they lived from birth in an environment where the racial demographic is such that they as white people are minorities) could muster for the word honky.
So you know those words don't all mean the same to us do they? To you racial terms can be harmless but to someone who has been getting them in various shades of subtlety ALL THEIR LIVES, they are NOT SO HARMLESS.
I have had this situation happen to me so many times. People aren't necessarily trying to be offensive by referring to my race AAAAAL THE TIME but they are hurtful because I live in a world where other people are judged for who THEY are. They are given nicknames based on themselves, they aredescribed for themselves but I am just called black and there are constant references to my race peppering the conversation.
It's as though the fact of who I am is negated. People view my race as the most important thing about me.
It's intrinsically not fair and instances of it should be stamped on, which is why this outraged response to Harry's comments are totally justified.
When Jane Moore has lived her life with that experience of these racial terms then she could perhaps understand how further ostracised it makes her feel to have it drawn attention to again by the use of a racist nickname - even one that apparently, wasn't meant as a term of abuse.
Or you know failing that she could perhaps for a moment imagine what it is like not to be herself and then maybe she would understand.
Until such time she should shut up.
But then again she feels she is in receipt of this experience anyway it's exactly the same when you're called a Paki as when I am called a honky she says because she is white and of course she knows everything.
She totally should be deciding what is and is not harmlessly racist.
Apparently because Harry said it to fit in it's alright....
And of course Coolio can use a term to describe himself that others cannot use because the power given by race is not there. I would question why a white woman is upset that she can't use the word nigger? Why would you need to use it? If you don't need to use it then why bemoan the fact that black people are.
It seems a total mystery to Jane Moore this concept that words change their meaning dependent on usage but I would wager that it's something she relies upon later on in the article where she discusses whether the squaddie himself who was called Paki was upset by it.
She is not so bound by the basic meanings of words then.
Because apparently if he wasn't upset by it then noone else should be.
It's like totally interesting how little people check the validity of their own thoughts
I'm calm about this this time.
I feel just sad as though there is an inevitability to such comments. Minorities will always be seen as not deserving of fairness from some people.
Any attempts to equalise the treatment minorites receive will always be faced with resentment and ill understanding from these self serving members of the majority who don't realise that THEY ARE NOT BEING VICTIMISED or DEPRIVED by not being allowed to treat people unfairly.
It's as though people think it's their right.
I mean I would comment and ask Jane Moore how she can know that it's the same as when a black calls a white honky but then again she is far too white priviledged to understand that other people have different experiences of the world, isn't she. Also the sun
much like other newspapers has a nasty habit of not publishing on their websites the comments of people who do not agree with the columnist.
I mean I have tried to comment on the Sun's website myself 3 times and none of them have appeared, whilst comments left after mine did.
:( :( :(