"Kid, I know you got a lot of things hitting on you at once."

Nov 27, 2008 17:25

Today I saw a film in CEXX called Shark in Venice. I noted that it had Stephen Baldwin in it and stepped away, not bothering to look further at the cover or at the blurb on the back. Not because it had Baldwin in it, but because I was wishing silently and solemnly inside my head that it was a shark related sequel to Death in Venice and didn't want to have my illusions spoilt. Because wouldn't that be beyond awesome? The touching tale of a man in forbidden love with a shark. Or even a shark in love with a man from afar for that matter. I mean either way works for me.

Taboo busting.

*sigh* sadly I know that we don't live in a world  LOL enough to make that film, so I console myself by firmly believing that it's the film that Stephen Baldwin would star in were I to write it. I mean the man was in BioDome ffs. Although he's actually a Christian now, so with his new moralistic standpoint I wonder just how would he come down on the furry love?

Although in reality I doubt actual faxx furries would be much interested really because sharks aren't furry are they.

In fact that's something I've never been quite up on, are furries just in lust with all animals or only the cute ones...??

Are there fish/reptile furries??

Answers on a postcard plz.

Anyway, even though I daren't buy A Shark in Venice, I did end up making a wise purchase regardless, in that I bought The Glass House, which is a made for tv movie from the 70's about a middle class lecturer who ends up in prison. It was written by Truman Capote and has Alan Alda in it and I've only watched like 30 minutes of it but so far it was worth every penny of the £1.50 I paid. In fact I would have paid more. Alda is gorgeous - like some fantasy combination of Topher Grace and Loldfield and the atmosphere is genuinely chilling and menacing.

It's just beautifully acted.  Like there is this pretty young boy and he and Alda are becoming friends and the pretty one is all naive and so gonna get reiped and I'm already sad about that. It's harsh as all hell and every bit gets worse and better acted...

Daaaaaahmn this film really deserved a theatrical release. Although to be honest it's a little hard to sit through. Admittedly not as tough as Scum but awful enough.

I also bought the Argus newspaper and managed to get my bus tickets for the next month and a half for half price because there was a deal in it. which is cool. I only wish I had more money to take advantage of the deal further but ah well...

I mean I've saved 40 fucking quid already. :D :D This is not insubstantial. I will be able to buy my digital camera with that. Waaaaah I'm happy.

I might give my brother another 7quid later as well so he can get me another ticket...

I mean how much does it rock that I paid 40 quid (the overdraft is creaking) and all my tickets are paid up now till like January almost.

:D :D

They are like nearly £50 a month usually.

Anyway unrelated observation but whilst watching Jack Daniels adverts has anyone else been a little alarmed that the name of the place in Tennessee where it's brewed is called Lynchburg? Because I would have thought everyone else was lolling and wtf too but the more I mention the observation to people the moar I see that other people just don't seem to have noticed.

It's just that I don't understand why the residents of that town haven't petitioned to have the name changed already? Nor why Jack Daniels are so proud of displaying the name of the town all over their promotion as it is.

I mean it's hardly a good advert to associate alcohol with lynching is it?

I mean I understand that back in the day that was probably what one did when hopped up on Jack but surely we've moved on socially and in terms of entertainment. I mean we have the Innernet to make drunk blog posts or phones to drunk dial for instance. They should feature that more in their ads.


In other news of negligable importance.

The trial on my text to audio reader ran out today, I already miss Microsoft Anna reading my porn at me. Gah I better find another version with a free trial...Photoshop is gonna run out on me too soon....gah everything is leaving me...

Gah this film was such an investement, will it ever stop being awesome?? Billy Dee Williams is also in it, so somehow I doubt it...

Just that the pretty one killed himself... poor boy....Devastating stuff...

films, lol

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