Nov 21, 2008 18:07

This article, about a overhaul of the benefits system makes me mad.

Currently all single parents receiving benefits with a child over the age of 12 have to be put on job seekers allowance. Which means they get their full benefits only on the evidence that they have been seeking work.  Previously the age children had to be before their parents were being pushed back into work like this was 16 - which to me always seemed like a somewhere reasonable age. Mostly children are legally in charge of themselves then. I mean they can get jobs themselves at that age for instance. So I2 seems really low to be honest to say that children can look after themselves and that their lone, single parent should get a job...

I mean for a start what fucking job do they imagine that people with 12 yr old children to look after on their own are going to get in the middle of a recession ffs?

What fantasy land do they occupy???


Even more ludicrously by 2010 they are going to be making all single parents on benefits whose children are over 7 go on job seeker's allowance and all that just strikes me as totally ridiculous....

Essentially they are living in some fantasy land where children over 7 can look after themselves because their parents are at work. Half this world's problems are because people don't look after their kids properly and we want to take the time parents have with their children away like this at that young age??

I mean WTF???

I love that in the article they say in the that this "Benefits plan 'could cause poverty'..."


COULD cause poverty???

Did they use the word could?

As though that plan of theirs might equal some other outcome.

I mean ffs, how misguided and fucked in the head can you be not to see that. Single parents with children aged 7 cannot work because they need to look after their children and so their benefits, which are fuck all to begin with, WILL inevitably end up being slashed by 40%.



Explain it to me.

I mean why should single parents with young children look for jobs that they won't get because their time is committed to their children??

I mean???

I don't grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I don't get it....

I just don't get it because the children will fucking suffer.
Why should children be made to suffer like that? I mean to imagine there is some miracle by which they won't is just so fucking naive. Deprivation does serious things to human beings already and the deprivation being suffered isnt even that extreme because of the welfare state and now they want to reduce it further as though that will improve the country....


How blind these people are to the consequences of what they do.

grrr, rant

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