Torrents of my own failiure are currently being ignored and I am centring my considerable levels of hate instead upon those who made my mother walk and hour and a half back home in the wet and cold. Fucking anti arms factory people were out demonstrating again
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However it is, of course irrelevant because her consent is worthless even if she gave it. Morally Polanski is a shit bag.
The reality is though that the judge believed that she consented and in the end it did mean that Polanski was convicted in the end of unlawful sexual intercourse rather than statutory rape which is a lesser charge...
That's one thing I grudgingly like about Cale's sordid confessions. As we all know he should not get a medal for feminism either but he always talks about the pain and damage and crime that was involved with it when he talks about the 60s/70s. Though obviously he does know a lot more about the actual damage done by that lifestyle to people than little vanilla coke-snorting/dope smoking Factory wannabes who make documentaries.
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