Jun 12, 2007 09:40
Have I ever regaled you with how tedious and bothersome it is working in a supermarket, well brace yourself. For the first time yesterday after so many years a customer flipped her lid at me and I felt nothing. Usually I get nervous and even if I don't cry my heart starts racing and I feel sick and bad really but yesterday I found her utterly laughable.
An epoch of sorts?
But seriously bitch don't get aggravated about being in a rush and having queued for aaages now and telling me I need to just get on with it... because all it will make me want to do is smack your face in. More that that I will decide that it's your problem and I don't care and be slower...
I am not intimidated by you, you seem to think I am but well who do you think you are....you are just another human being like I am I feel absolutely no inferiority to you....who are you to threaten me...
I mean I have had so many nice people be like I need to catch my bus so the quicker the better and I speed the stuff through at a lunatic pace but this woman was flat out demanding and insinuating that I wasn't really bothering - which I r r was - we were just r r r busy as we always are when people get out of work around 5...and like all of human kind when someone comes with attitude I just think fuck off!!
Is that not obv that you will produce that reaction when you are rude like that to someone??
I mean its not my fault that when you're in a hurry you decided to come into a supermarket at the busiest time of day, it's yours! WTF did you expect that for once in the history of the world you might not have to queue at 5 in the evening....not bloody likely... everyone else is waiting too and some of them may have something else to do/have waited longer but like a fucking toddler you want the world to revolve around you and for you....wtf....oh cry me a fucking river...idiot!!
Throwing yourself about like a fucking baby...
Ha ha better than that the woman had a go at me and then my scales wouldn't work so it took forever putting her stuff through. I mean fucking relax bitch... I console myself by thinking that people like that are likely Type A personalities and more susceptible to heart disease through self induced stress - but then that would be cruel and evil...wouldn't it I know already :(
Many checkout things are irritating me, like why do people put coins on the counter rather than in my hand....I give you your change in your hand reciprocal manners would be nice. I hate the sound coins make against the metal plus they take more effort to pick up from the counter...
I also don't like people that completely blank me the entire transaction, ignoring my hello and my thanks and my smile. I mean I don't mind people not smiling but at least say hello or some expression other than a scowl - cos I am there all day trying to be cheerful and it only takes one bastard to muck up a mood for a little while.
Oh and people eating things before they get to the checkout for fucks sake can't you control yourself for 10 minutes...you infant...handing me the messy packets with the barcode destroyed with a grin on their face that belies the fact that they clearly don't see how irritating it is...
I mean if nothing else you've messed my till up with crumbs or mess....
Especially when twats eat weighed items.....I mean idiot how do you think I am gonna ring that up now...?? FUCKTARD!! I mean people differ on this issue a lot but I would never fucking eat something before I've paid for it...no it's not mine I don't necessarily feel like I deserve it or own it now because I intend to pay for it in the future...
It is theft in the words of the statute...the dishonest appropriation of goods belonging to another....altho the degree to which it is dishonest always allows a loophole....I wish we had a policy like Somerfield where if you eat stuff you are in trouble cos it irritates me so fucking much...the smell the mess the smugness...
Inappropriate/out of date coupons have me in hysterics too, I mean what because I am a shop girl I can't read? I mean if the voucher has expired or you are trying to get it on other items then Sains don't get their money back... They tend to view this not very kindly...there is the potential for us to get in trouble (or be sent to a patronising training thingy) so you gets no pennies off. End of!
But I get into rows, this one woman got aggravated and huffy and over this whats a few pennies to Sainsbury's. To which I was like its not pennies it was a quid and even if it was its the principle. Also what are a few pennies to you - she srsly was buying organic goods....if you wanna query it further my supervisor is over there...
You are a stranger my job is to take your money I don't care for saving you money at the risk of my job - also I don't get any special treatment (nor would I ask for it) so why should you exactly? Especially when you behave like you are entitled to a discount that the voucher clearly says you are not!! When you come with a massive attitude and strong feeling that you deserve better treatment than everyone else you arrogant fuck!!
It entitlement in various forms I believe it is the most odious personality trait/behaviour in humanity....to me anyway...that feeling like you should get something, like you deserve it more than everyone else. like you deserve not to queue and you deserve money off and you deserve to eat stuff now, its all odious ----
its times like this that I am glad I am not mentally healthy because otherwise I would be like these people....it seems like something that rises with self esteem...
Oh and If I offer to pack don't say yes when you can easily do it yourself and if you choose to do this and watch me pack it don't then take the stuff out again and rearrange it because I haven't packed properly... INSULT -and more than that pack it your fucking self!!!
Anyway rant over, I am so tired and it's my ma's birthday today I was gonna make cake...I think I will go to Sainsers and make it actually
i fucking hate people,
oxygen thievery,