Apparently I do have something important to say

Apr 29, 2009 11:42

Everyone knows there is an abandoned house across the street from us. By abandoned I mean that people own the house, we see them once a year, maybe, pull up and check things in the house, but they don't live there. No one lives there. It's empty 99.9% of the time, except when the owners drive by to check it. Don't forget that the owners love rottweilers and have about 15 of these dogs around them at all times. No joke or exaggeration.

Well, this weekend Mr. Lula and I thought it strange that there was a pack of at least 11 of the dogs roaming around the house and our yard, pissing and pooping at will. Then the next day we see the owners put up what appeared to be a large fence. Oh yeah, you guessed it. These dogs, of which there is no way to count how many of them there are, now have free reign of the house and the newly fenced backyard. No one lives in the house. No one visits the hosue (that we have seen yet), but the dogs are there. Alone. By themselves. Rottweilers.

The back door is open so the dogs can go in and out the house as wanted, and all the windows, which were previously boarded up, are now unboarded and the dogs just stare out the windows and bark at anything they can.

I'm calling animal control just as soon as I locate the number. You can bet on that. This can't possibly be legal, can it?!?
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