Oct 03, 2006 23:23
1. Good mommy - she's awesome and I think when she passes away I'm just going to lie down and let them bury me w/her.
2. Good friends - I dont' know where I would be w/o good friends esspecially to let me cry to them about my issue. I appreciate it a lot
3. Amazing opportunities - I can't beleive all the stuff I've had a chance to do. It's just awesome. I know that even though I have some problems there are lots of people who never get to do the things I do and my life is pretty gravy compared to 99% of the world's population.
4. 51 days until I get home!!! - as much as I have loved it here that's as much as I wish I were home right now. SO pretty much it's a lot on all sides. I miss my world I have visited this one for long enough and after a month at home I will miss it here.