A few things I noticed:
• Between 3.01 and 3.02, Zuko apparently became a player on the
White Wolf unmoderated chats. The dark cloak. The violent outbursts. The making out with the depressing goth chick. The angst! The unbridled angst! Also, note the Salubri antitribu at the end of the episode … and Iroh's single tear, as if to say, "We haven't exactly hired a new voice actor yet."
• The Fire School bell was the temple bell from
Shaolin Master Killer, starring Gordon Liu! "San Te, shorten your grip!"
• The cave dance. Oh my God. I was thinking, "Hey, that looked kind of like martelo and esquiva … nah, every style has that kick … hold on a second. Meia lua de compasso? Aù? Mortal? They have a roda. They have a batteria. Oh my God! Aang and Katara just invented capoeira!" I just happened to be watching with three capoeiristas and we were in hysterics. That has to happen again.