Freshman Composition

Sep 04, 2009 20:40

So, I'm extremely excited to be going to college again for the first time in like 14 years. One of these classes is Freshman Composition and we're reading thru Karen E Beardslee's 'Translating Tradition' which is extremely hard for me right now as it is only 10 days from my late grandma's birthday and who's death I have never gotten over. To this day, I am affected greatly by it, but I digress... In our first official draft essay, we were asked to write a story that someone in your family or comminity tells about another member in order to preserve history. Wow, that was surprisingly hard and emotional for me. Altho, not a very good writer at all, I'm very proud of what I wrote. Here it is:

For this draft, I have chosen to write a story "that someone in your family or community tells you in order to preserve a family tradition." To do this, I must first introduce you to my rock, the sun in my worlds sky, the late Virginia Thorsen. She was vivacious and strong. Independent and full of love. She was one of those people who made the world a better place, just by being there. She was my beloved grandma, and told the best stories about her life and the family. My favorite one was how she came to name my father, Peter William. Virginia had always known she would have a lot of children when grown up and married, and had her heart set on naming the first born son after her grandfather, Peter William Summersett. Well, after having two girls first (Barbara Jean and Carole Ann), grandma finally bore her wonderful husband Homer a handsome devil of a son. But, grandpa wanted to name him junior after himself since she had her way with both the girls names, so the first born son was named Homer David Thorsen Jr, of whom we affectionately call Dave. Then, after having another girl named Marilyn, it happened again that she had another boy. Since grandpa let her choose the last name, this meant he got to pick the babys name again, so he chose Marvin Allen after his only brother who died before the age of 10, in memory of him. Then it happened, 6 years after Marvin was born, a miracle happened. Grandma bore another son and finally, she won. Virginia was proud to announce the birth of little Peter William Thorsen. Altho this story is centered on my father, it also makes reference to one of our family traditions. Having a family name. She passed down her grandfathers name to my father, my grandfather passed down his name to my uncle Dave, and his brothers name to uncle Marv. From there, my aunt Carole named her first born son David, as well as aunt Marilyn, after their little brother. And uncle Marv's youngest daughter Mandi, named her first born son Marvin after her father. My cousin Kaylen named her first daughter Ginny, after my grandma's nickname, and the list goes on. So you see, the names in our family all mean quite a bit to us.

My beautiful grandma Virginia, and her sister Geneva were also named after their mother, Geneva Virginia Brill.
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