Aug 04, 2007 02:01
i just got home and ist almost 2
my good friend bridgette did one of the most nicest things anyones done for me in florida and it really made me smile. i was home alone and i was kinda sad because there were olny a handfull of ppl i know in florida who cared that i was moving this sunday. so i was walking around my house, looking for something when i thought i herd my cell phone ring. i said i'll get it later then i looked out my window and there were 3 huge flatten boxes being carried by someone, comming towards my doorstep. so i just watched because i was like who could this be. so then she drooped the boxes and was turning around to walk away and saw me then started laughing. the i relized she brought me boxes. she said she figures i needed help moving. and it made me smile. we talked for a good hour or so and kinda said goodby. i told her her and destiny ( one of her friend) could come by and grab some food if shed like. my parents want to bbq befor i leave. she told me her and destiny will come visit me in daytona wile im in school. then i smiled. shes one of thoes close friends who make you feel like you mean something in life.
then later on doug called. doung olny calls once a month. he told me he was going over to a friends house and they need anouther person to play smash brothers with. so i said i'll go. i just recelenty met doug and were going to one of his friends house. aquward but dougs cool. it ended up being a great night. in order for me to go out anywere i needed to install my head light so i have 2 working ones because of the accident way back when. i already had the headlights i just never put them in. so after much bending,forcing and bolting, i got them in. man there like sickest headlights ever. there blacked out and all you can see is the 2 halogen bulbs, the turnsiginal and the halos. there double halo'ed. i mean ppl thought i was stunin on the way there. i was followin doug because i dident know there way there. we were on the highway crusin at like 75. and he calls me. "hay your gonna have to do something kids follin you". i looked back and theres like 2 civics a ex and a lx i beleive followin. then when we got on 17, a realy long street,doug called back,"go ahead, put that ack to rest." then he points out his window to the right. i look over and theres a 97 acura integra kreepin up to me rev'in his engine. we were at a stop light. "cute huh?" doug said. "yeah" i replied "well he aint talkin to me?" mouthed doug. his 240 is in the shop. he drives a s14. he had a caviler. "naaa lets just go." 0-wins 0-looses tonight. i should have took his offer. he wasent about anything. then we got to his friends house. he drives a red 14, and dosent hide anything. windows arnt tented, gauges huge as ever and the intercoolere is like cut into the front of thebody kit. he says he dosent worry about the coops. hes a brave one. had fun. he created a black hole in smash brothers, that made anyone who stepped in it have 999% damage in less then 18 seconds. it was crazy. now im home again. packing. getting ready to embark on a whole new adventure. o shit! speaking of witch
ok jessica called. she plays cymbales and bass clarinet. she was like hay how are you . i told her i was fine. this was like a week ago. she was tellin me she went to office max and i was there. i was like sorri? then she told me tarria isant going to BCC anymore. tirria was like one person i was looking forward to going to bcc with, and now shes isant. so then, she told me that chris smith was looking for me. hes like the one person i would fight in wal-mart in front of him mom if he looked at me the worng way. he plays trumpet. she told me he was looking for my phone number. and i was like why? she said she thinks he's trying to make friends befor yall go down to BCC. and im like so. then she yelled at me for being so mean hardheadded,bullnose and stubburn. and i was like what?! im not mean he just likes to try to walk over people and hes thinks hes the best trumpet player in the world. i told him the trumpet players at my old school would play circles around him. then he told me he was the best and no one on earth was better then him. and i walked away.
the last time i talkde to the police about the cell phone thing was monday so the lady proly found and theve leftme alone so im going to bet happy.