Yuletide 2013 Dear Author Letter

Oct 14, 2013 15:42

Good grief, is it that time again already??? OMG.

Ok, so I just barely got the signup sheet completed, so I only have the text from that for now. I plan to flesh this out later when I've had a chance to think! Holy cow, I'm late again - assignments are out already and I still haven't updated this!!! Well, here goes nothing...

Dear Awesome Yuletide Authoress (or Author),

Thank you so much for taking on the humble request of your unworthy servant! You are my hero!! I am generally easy to please, as I am pretty flexible - adventure, introspection, humor, crackiness, slice of life, horror, clever AUs - all work for me as long as the characters ring true. Am cool with gen, love slash, but understand if it's not your cup o' tea, and am ok with het (if it's interesting and not the same old Hallmark channel drivel) but would prefer it not be the main focus of the story. And am not really interested in femmeslash. Here is a quick list of likes/dislikes for some modest guidance.

* Happy (or at least hopeful) endings
* In-character behavior
* Moderate (but curable) angst
* Humor
* Am a total sucker for hurt/comfort fics
* Slashy goodness (with an extra scoop of pr0n always welcome)

* Hopelessness
* Character bashing
* Schmoopy romance
* major character death
* mpreg
* high school AUs

Mostly I just want you to have FUN!!! This is supposed to make the author happy as much as the recipient, after all. Now, without further ado, my requests...

Design for Living (1933)
George Curtis, Tom Chambers

Request Text: Just saw this flick for the first time this year and my first thought was "Yuletide!!" My main focus was what arrangement the boys come to in the time between Gilda leaving and them going to get her back. There is a clear opening there for the boys to get some sexual experimentation in - because, really, who can have a threesome with no actual sex?? We know the film shied away from that, but what did the characters really get up to? And if you are more of gen fan, then I would be happy with just a wacky adventure with the three of them following the end of the movie.

This is a fascinating pre-code sex comedy that totally blew me away. Gary Cooper as George Curtis is as lighthearted and adorable as I've ever seen him, and the three main characters are all delightfully naughty. I love the strength of Gilda, her desire not to hurt either one and yet her unashamed acceptance that she does desire both of them. And the two men have such a slasharific friendship that it is hard to believe they haven't actually slept together before meeting Gilda. So anything that explores this dynamic would be awesome.

Jonny Quest
Race Bannon

Request Text: Race Bannon in the original Jonny Quest series is an effing Bad.Ass. Just sayin'. So anything featuring him in some way would be sweet. I love the Race/Benton slash options, as well as the Dr. Zin-Dr. Quest-Race Bannon enemy slash triangle. Did I mention Race ends up getting tied up a lot? Hot. Anyway. If that's not your thing, there are many other Race-centric scenarios that would be equally enjoyable - straight up casefic, more domestic fatherly stuff with Hadji or Jonny, or just coffee with Dr. Quest (if you can get him to stop thinking about science for five freakin' minutes...). Anyway, I live in perpetual hope that one day this request will be fulfilled! Someday....

So, yes, I've asked for this one before, but the Yuletide slot machine has so far failed to give me the jackpot here. This crazy (and unfortunately incredibly racist) cartoon from the 1960s is probably to blame for my love of a) action-adventure stories; b) anthropology, and c) hot men being tied up. So if you feel like writing a corny action plot that involves Dr. Zin capturing Race and Dr. Quest coming to his rescue then ravishing him soundly before untying him, I would totally be on board for that. But if not, as stated above, there are quite a few other things I would enjoy with this fandom. It's such an odd collection of folks that make up this family, that exploring what makes it all work (or even a few rare moments of strife) would most interesting.

Quincy M.E.
Sam Fujiyama

Request Text: I've always loved this show, and always thought poor, loyal, hardworking, and extremely gorgeous Sam always kind of got the short end of the stick. So, anything that features Sam would be awesome - casefic with Quince, solo adventure, or just a slice of home life - I'd take anything. Maybe meeting an old classmate for tea and comparing their current jobs. Or perhaps a date - one that he has managed to keep, for a change, without Quincy making him stay and work late. And, of course, I am a slashaholic, so if you want to give him a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, fine by me (OC, someone from the show, crossover with another show - maybe the hot firefighter from Emergency! - all is fine by me).

Quincy is STILL the best forensic medicine show ever, CSI be damned! This show was not slick, not sexy, and the highest tech thing they had was a gas chromatograph, but it was so much more realistic than any of the fancy, bells-and-whistles crap that's on these days. (Ok, will stop short of yelling at the kids to get off my lawn...) But it was a very down-to-earth take on crime solving and forensic pathology. And it involved an incredible amount of relatively mundane lab work performed by the indefagitable Sam - very hot Asian-American who was overworked and underappreciated and deserves way more credit for his awesomeness. And also needs some backstory and a life outside the office, so anything that explores that side of him would be super awesome.

False Colours - Georgette Heyer
Kit Fancot, Evelyn Fancot

Request Text: I've asked before, and I suppose I'll keep asking... I love these two, especially together. They are so adorable and full of fun. As a slash-lover, am keen on prequel twincest hijinks. but will be happy with anything really. The two of them together at Oxford, Eve visiting Kit (or Kit and Cressy) on the continent, how did Kit break his leg that one time? I'm open to pretty much anything, though would prefer lighthearted to dark and depressing.

This lighthearted tale of one twin forced to impersonate his missing brother in regency England has to be one of my favorite Georgette Heyer novels ever. The twins are of course handsome, dashing, and full of mischief, but fleshed out enough to be completely individual personalities that nevertheless have an intriguingly intimate rapport. So would love anything that includes an element of that. Love their mom, and Kit's fiancee, Cressy, so they would be welcome additions to any story. And it occurs to me, if one wants to go a tad darker, and explore the twins' rather unhappy relationship with their reportedly stiff, undemonstrative father, that could also be very interesting.

Sleepy Hollow (TV)
Ichabod Crane, George Washington

Request Text: Okay, so most folks seem to be requesting Ichabod/Abbie stuff, which is NOT my thing. Probably because he's still married (granted with some serious logistical difficulties). And, as I'm a serious slashaholic, I would adore an Ichabod/George Washington fic - I mean really, Washington wanted the badass relic chest AND Ichabod kept safe at all costs - so much slash fodder there. But, I know many people don't go that way (especially with their Founding Fathers), so if you want to do a gen story with them, that would be awesome, too - plotting against the forces of darkness, plotting against the British (while also trying to thwart the forces of darkness), Crane asking GW to be the best man at his wedding - many possibilities to explore. Also, I'm cool with friendshippy Ichabod+Abbie, or the hilarity of Ichabod in the modern world, so if you'd rather go that way, no problem.

Given the sheer numbers of requests and offers for this fandom, I strongly suspect you might have been matched to me because of this request. I love the crazypants concept of the show, and the awesome balance of dark & scary with comedy shtick. I love Abbie and Jenny. Katrina seems cool enough. But mostly I love Ichabod -- in all his modern-day sarcastic glory, as well as the earnestness of his wartime self. I am interested in potential inner thoughts about his various issues - betraying his native country to join the rebelling colonists, discovering he is a key player in thwarting the apocalypse, being trapped in this crazy futuristic world where morals and mores are so different, being separated from his wife who it turns out was secretly a witch. And of course, his relationship with George Washington (slashy or gen), would be tons of fun. Bringing other key revolutionary figures would also be very entertaining. Anyway, go as whacked out as you like - this is a crazy fandom and deserves crazy fic!

Thanks again, and happy Yuletiding!!!


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