so i'm sitting on the bus on my way home and this bus goes on a SERIOUSLY retarted route. Anyway so i lean my head back and start to relax (at this point there's still about 30mins to go till my stop) the next time i open my eyes the bus had just gone past my stop ¬_¬ fucking busses. i don't know why but i really want to blame public transport... so i will
i blame YOU public transport
anywhoo, can someone please tell me
what is the point of chavs? seriously, my house got egged AGAIN last night and i know why these fuckheads are targeting my house, the house over the road and a few other houses higher up in the estate (it's a council estate btw, don't want to make it sound like i'm rich lol) they're doing because the one thing all those houses have in common are.... Disabled access! these scumsucking lowlifes are actually fucking with these people just because they live with a disabled person. HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT? Zoe (my sister) is disabled and she is one of the kindest, sweetest and cutest people i know, why would some one want to hurt her? i've tried to talk to these fuckheads before but when ever i get near them the run away, i found out why they allways run away (i asked someone who knows them who goes to Varndean) it's because they are scared of me... which i find very odd because i am a non-violent person (i AM considering changing that breifly) and even if i wasnt... i cant get in trouble with the Police for a while cause of the work placement i'ma goona be doing for Health & Social care so either way these shitheads are going to keep fucking with me and other inocent people and there is NOTHING i can fucking do! it's infuriating!
anyway that's my rant done for the day, hope you enjoyed it.
P.S. itunes is refusing to open, anyone got any ideas of how to fix it? i got some really odd warning thing when i shut my laptop down lastnight...
Peace Out!