If it's red, drink it.

Dec 17, 2018 17:01

Title: If it's red, drink it.

Pairing: Dean/Sam

Rating: NC-17

Summary: The day Azazel's son turns sixteen years old, there's a big party thrown in his mansion to celebrate prince Samuel's birthday. The boy is smart but quiet, and not used to the world outside his dad's home. He also carries a secret that shapes his life and burdens him constantly. While the most important people in town will be there to take part in the event, people like Dean Winchester, the son of the town's mechanic and Azazel's enemy, is definitely unwelcome at the party. Dean, who has a reputation for his great charm and libido, can hardly resist the chance to crash this party and provoke his dad's foe. What happens when Dean, an experienced and seductive lover, lays eyes on Azazel's mysterious and shy son will cause old secrets to surface and change their lives forever.

Warnings and A/N: AU, Top!Dean, bottom!Sam, underage sex, abuse. More stuff might come up...

Previous chapters

Chapter 74

After Sam calmed down, Bobby took him down to the classroom where they sat and talked. Sam explained Azazel’s plans to marry him off to the wealthy CEO, despite the fact that Sam was already married to someone else.

“Does this Lucifer guy know about your past?”

“I guess so. I mean, he does seem quite understanding, so I suppose he knows that I had a boyfriend and that I’m not the virgin prize he was promised. Apparently he doesn’t care.”

Bobby could only imagine how painful and how unfair all that felt to Sam. It wasn’t right that after everything the boy had already been through, he was still forced to play along with Azazel’s heartless plans.

“He’s got no idea I’m already married. Azazel’s threatened to kill John if Lucifer finds out. I don’t know what to do.”

Bobby took a deep breath and looked very seriously into the boy’s eyes.

“You need to be strong. I believe with all my heart that right now you’re desperate, and you think you can’t do this, but Sam, you must be strong. Dean is out there looking for your father, and I believe he’ll find John and bring him back, safe. When he does, you and me will join them, and we’ll deal with Azazel. I promise you.”

Sam’s eyes lit up with a spark of hope.

“Meanwhile, son…you have got to do what he wants. If Azazel does indeed have John and Dean’s lives wrapped around his finger, I suppose there’s no room for bargaining right now.”

Sam bit down on his bottom lip. He didn’t want to hear that. He knew it was the truth, but it didn’t make it any less painful.

“I…” Sam didn’t want to be with Lucifer, his entire body protested against the idea, but he knew he was being selfish putting his will above what was best for everyone. “I don’t want to get divorced, Bobby. Besides, I think that the longer it takes Dean to find out about this, the better.”

“I agree with you.”

“Can you…can you fake marry us?”

Bobby knew that question was coming. The idea had been toying with his thoughts since Sam walked in earlier and told him what had happened.

Bobby sighed at Sam’s questioning eyes. “I’m a man of God, and I know I should not do such a thing as mock a sacred union,” he stated. “However, I suppose I’m already in too deep to back away now, right?”

“Thank you, Bobby.” Sam sounded torn between grateful and devastated that it was really going to happen. “Do you think God will forgive us?”

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing here, Sam?”

“I do.” Sam felt the stinging sensation of tears in his eyes. “It’s so hard, but I know it’s the right thing to do now.”

“Then He’ll understand.” Bobby covered the boy’s hand with his own and squeezed.

~ * ~

The ceremony was scheduled for a week later. Bobby would be performing it behind closed doors in the church. No one had been invited, considering Azazel didn’t have a family, vampires weren’t welcomed in the church, and Lucifer chose to keep his kin out of his private matters as much as possible. The fact that he would be marrying a sixteen-year-old boy wasn’t exactly something he would enjoy discussing with relatives. Thank goodness he was filthy rich, which meant he didn’t need anyone’s approval on that matter. In the end, Lucifer was pleased with the secrecy of the ceremony, the less people knew about it the better, at least for now, when Sam was so young. Give it a couple of years and they could go public, have a another ceremony, throw a huge party.

Sam spent the entire week in a state of comatose-like acceptance. He went about his days mechanically, doing what was expected of him, trying not to think too much about the upcoming events. When the day of the wedding arrived, Sam woke up with his heart aching and revolting in his chest. He missed Dean terribly.

Sam wondered where he was, if he was getting anywhere in his search, if he was doing okay. Sam wondered if Dean missed him just as much as he, Sam, missed him.

Flashes of their time together flooded Sam’s brain and tried to take away his sanity. In a moment of desperate longing, Sam felt the urge to go to the beach. Suddenly, he needed to be in the beach shack, he needed to lie on those sheets and smell Dean. His feet needed to touch the sand and his legs needed to take him up the rocks where they used to sit and talk, watching the waves break in the distance. All Sam wanted was to be there, to breathe the salty air and feel close to Dean.

He rushed out of his bedroom and ran into Azazel in the living room.

“Where do you think you’re going?” the vampire asked.

“Out. I need to breathe. I’m going to the beach.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Please, I…” Sam’s voice was pleading. “I just need to…”

“You need to go to your room and calm down. It’s going to be fine.”

Sam looked at Azazel with unreadable eyes.

“We wouldn’t want you getting cold feet, now would we? Go back to your room. Relax and enjoy the day. You’re supposed to be happy, remember?” Azazel mocked, but there was a warning in his voice. Sam knew he was supposed to pretend this was the happiest day of his life, but just the thought of walking down that aisle with Lucifer made him sick. He would be betraying Dean, he would be…

‘Stop it’, he told himself. ‘Don’t freak out. You can do this. You need to do this. It’ll be okay’.

Sam took a deep breath, turned around and went back to his room. He felt like a prisoner. An the truth was, he very much was one.

Perhaps after he fake-married Lucifer things wouldn’t be so bad. Perhaps, he dared hope, things would be better in that he would have freedom to come and go as he pleased.

Of course, this freedom would come at a cost, but Sam couldn’t bring himself to think about it.

Tonight Lucifer would share a bed with him.

Sam shuddered, and the feeling of dread started creeping inside of him all over again.

~ * ~

Father Bobby was in the church getting ready to pretend. He forged some documents Sam and Lucifer would sign, but that had no value, legal or moral whatsoever. He also prayed long and hard for forgiveness for what he was about to do. Bobby knew he could lose his right to be a priest if anyone ever found out, but deep in his heart he believed he was doing the right thing. Since there would no witnesses to the ceremony, no one except God Himself, Bobby prayed and talked long and hard with God, asking for his guidance and understanding.

One hour before the wedding, the telephone rang in his room, and when Bobby picked it up his knees nearly faltered.


“Hey Bobby.”

“How are you kid? Is everything alright?”

“I’m fine. sorry I didn’t call earlier. I’ve been so caught up with traveling and asking questions and watching video footage…”

“That’s alright. Have you gotten anything?”

“No. Not yet,” Dean’s voice showed his dismay. “That guy you talked about, he’s really helped, though. He got me a few fake IDs and I’ve been able to get security footage from gas stations in the surroundings of Glasstown and from some stores in major avenues. It’s a long shot but…”

“You’re gonna find something, I’m sure.” Bobby intervened and spoke when he sensed Dean was growing disheartened.

“Right,” Dean agreed without much conviction.

There was a pause on the phone before Dean dared ask what had been on his mind. “How is he, Bobby?”

The Priest thought about what was about to happen. If he told Dean about Sam being forced to marry another man, nothing good would come out of it. Dean would either come rushing back regardless of the consequences, and thus Azazel would make a phone call and John would be killed, leaving the boys with their father’s death to haunt them for the rest of their lives, or Dean wouldn’t come back and would fall even harder and deeper into despair. Neither of these options was very appealing.

“He’s doing fine, Dean.” Bobby thought about his words. “He’s in good health, and he misses you terribly.”

“I miss him, too. Bobby…” Dean wanted to ask more. He needed to know more, but something made him hold back.

“He’s good, Dean, and he’s waiting for you. Is there anything else you really need to know at this moment?” Bobby begged Dean not to ask, and unconsciously, the boy seemed to understand he shouldn’t probe further.

“No…not really. That’s enough.”

“Good. No you go and find John, okay? Some camera somewhere caught Azazel’s car on video. You’ll find it, just have to be patient.”

“I know. Thanks, Bobby.”

“You’re welcome. Take care of yourself.”

“You too. Bye.”

Bobby hung up the phone and sat down on his bed. It was painful, but he knew Dean was better off not knowing. Sam was unharmed, and he was doing his part as he waited for Dean to rescue their father.

Bobby raised his eyes and checked the clock on the wall. In about an hour Sam would be there, doing his part, trusting Dean to save not only John, but themselves as well.

~ * ~

In the early evening, Azazel drove with Sam to the church in the limo. A few curious gazes watched when the driver parked and opened the door, and the town’s wealthy doctor left with his son, dressed in a white suit. Sam looked every bit the Prince the town believed him to be, especially with the shiny diamond cufflinks at his wrists-a gift from Lucifer.

Despite the glowing appearance, Sam’s thoughts were dark and somber. The boy hardly saw anything except the church doors. He knew Lucifer would be inside, waiting for him, and Sam climbed the steps lifelessly, his steps mechanically trained to move forward.

Azazel opened the door and let them in, away from any prying eyes, and Sam allowed himself to feel a bit of gratitude for knowing that at least no one else could see him.

At the altar, beside Bobby, Lucifer was waiting, in an equally alluring white suit, a smile on his face. As Sam got closer, he could see the blue eyes shining in Lucifer’s face, his blond hair neatly combed. He was not an ugly man, not at all. If Sam hadn’t met Dean and fallen in love with him, he might have felt differently about marrying the CEO. Even though Lucifer was a lot older, he was charming and he had always treated him respectfully. The fact that Sam didn’t love him at all made him feel guilty, on top of angry and disgusted.

The truth was that being so deeply in love, with passion bursting in his mind, was like a powerful drug, one that made Sam cringe at the thought of lying in bed with Lucifer and being touched by him. Sam didn’t want anyone else to touch him, he didn’t want some other guy to take him the way Dean did, because that was something special, that moment of crazy pleasure and intimacy belonged to them and no one else. It was irrational, but some part of Sam was desperately sad thinking that if Lucifer touched him he would erase Dean’s memory off his skin.

“Keep walking,” Azazel whispered, and only then did Sam realize he had stopped moving.

The boy took a deep breath and focused on Bobby. The priest’s eyes were encouraging, it was almost as if Bobby's gaze wrapped Sam around a comforting embrace and helped him walk his next steps.

“You look stunning,” Lucifer whispered softly when they were close.

“Will you please kneel?” Bobby asked, in order to begin the fake ceremony.

Throughout the whole thing, Sam barely listened to a word Bobby said. His mind was drifting, his thoughts were escaping that reality. He felt as if he was outside his own body, watching from a distance as that fake wedding happened to someone who looked an awful lot like himself.

Tonight. He’ll touch me tonight. How can I deny him?

Sam felt the panic rising and he looked at Bobby. The older man seemed to read the despair in the boy’s hazel eyes, and he did his best to offer solace in the silence of their shared gaze.

“You may kiss your husband,” Bobby announced.

He’s not my husband. Dean’s my husband. Sam thought wildly. His heart was thudding with outrage when Lucifer leaned closer, but the older man simply planted a kiss to his forehead, very gallantly and restrained. Sam’s sigh of relief was almost too loud.

The rest of the time in the church was another blur. Sam didn’t know exactly how it ended, just that it did, and that Azazel drove them somewhere, and this place was not his home, because Sam had never been to that house before. Someone was saying something about servants bringing his stuff in the morning, and about Lucifer having bought plenty of new things that he hoped Sam would like, but the boy was hardly paying any attention. He looked at the house Lucifer had bought, and his heart started racing all over again.

‘This is it,’ he thought. Either he started running right now, or there was no telling what would happen when they were alone inside.

After wishing them a fantastic honeymoon, Azazel left and Lucifer opened the door to let them in. He watched Sam’s face intently for his reaction.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

Sam looked around the place, but it was like he barely registered anything.

“C’mon, let me give you a tour.”

Sam followed silently as Lucifer showed him the house he had so carefully chosen and decorated to impress him.

There were words being said and things Sam was supposed to see and express an opinion about, but all the while he could only hear his heartbeats when fear and panic started to grow as the night progressed. Soon, the inevitable would happen. What if Sam couldn’t go through with it? What if Lucifer got pissed? What if Azazel made a phone call and killed John, and then Dean would never forgive him… After all, it was just sex. Sam could shup up and spread his legs to save a life, couldn’t he? All he had to do was lie there and do what he was supposed to. It was his fault John had been kidnapped. He was very much a part of this mess, so he might as well accept the consequences. Sam knew Dean was doing his best to make things good again.

“And this is our bedroom…what do you think of it?”

When they got to the main bedroom, Sam was incredibly tense. He parted his lips and for a terrifying moment he thought he might choke on his words.

“It’s…it’s gorgeous.”

Lucifer smiled widely.

“Come. Take a seat.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the place next to him so Sam would join him.

‘There’s no running’, Sam thought. He moved towards the bed with difficulty. His legs were reluctant to obey, but Sam forced them to comply.

Lucifer studied him carefully. When the boy sat down, he cupped his cheek and he could feel the tension right beneath his fingertips.

“Shh….it’s okay, Sam. You can relax with me. We’re alone now, your father won’t judge you anymore. You can finally be yourself.”

Sam tried to smile back at Lucifer, but a second later his smile faltered when Lucifer planted a kiss to his lips. Sam’s heart twisted violently, but the boy didn’t pull away. He parted his lips an let Lucifer do what he must.

It wasn’t long before there was a tongue in his mouth, warm, and fingers in his hair, stroking.

Sam had no idea how long that kiss lasted, because he couldn’t keep track of time, everything feel weirdly surreal, but when they pulled away, Lucifer must have seen something in his eyes because he frowned.

“Is everything alright?” he asked softly.

“I…” Don’t. Cry. Sam braced himself. Man. Up. “I’m sorry, I…”

Lucifer took the boy’s hand in his. Sam was shaking.

“It’s okay…you can relax.” His heart broke at the boy’s innocence. Of course he was nervous. He had no idea what to expect. His only experience with sex had been a traumatic violation.

Lucifer kissed his lips softly and his cheeks.

“I can tell you’re nervous, right?”

Sam didn’t answer. He didn’t have to.

“It’s okay, baby. You’ll learn to relax with me.”

Lucifer got up, unbuttoned his suit and took off his pants. He removed his shirt slowly, until he was wearing nothing but boxers.

“C’mon, this suit looks great but I doubt it’s comfortable.”

Sam’s fingers were cold. His blood seemed to freeze in his body, but he complied. The sooner it was done and over with, the better. He should have taken some kind of sedative from his father’s stash of medicine, it could have come in handy.

Sam stripped down to his underwear and lay down in bed. He stared at the ceiling and swallowed hard.

When Lucifer joined him and caressed his chest and thighs, Sam shuddered.

Lucifer wouldn’t say that it took everything he had, but it certainly took a lot not to fuck the boy into the mattress at that very moment.

“You look so beautiful…so sweet. You’re just as alluring as I imagined you’d be,” he confessed. His fingers stroked across the boy’s skin, and he could feel Sam's chest rising and falling with a short, anxious breath.

At any moment now, Lucifer was going to remove his underwear, perhaps flip him on his stomach, and penetrate him. Sam didn’t know why he was so afraid. He didn’t care about any pain he might feel, and yet, he couldn’t seem to calm down. His palms were sweaty and his heart erratic.

“Good night, my love. Sleep well.” Lucifer kissed his temple gently and caressed his face lovingly. “It’s going to be a pleasure to finally sleep with you in my arms”

“Aren’t you, aren’t we?” Sam was confused. He was dumbstruck and disoriented.

Lucifer smiled as sweetly as a predator could.

“Do you want to?”

Sam’s heart slammed against his chest.

The boy was terrified, and he didn’t have to say it.

“It’s fine,” Lucifer answered before he could. “We have plenty of time. You’ll get accustomed to me. You’ll see I mean no harm.” He took the boy’s hand and kissed his fingers. “I can’t wait to show you how much pleasure you can feel…but I understand everything is new and probably scary right now. You should get some sleep.”

Sam didn’t know what to say, but Lucifer could feel the boy’s body relax almost instantly, and he smiled to himself.

“Good night, Samuel.”

Lucifer kissed him again, turned around and turned off the lamp by the bed.

“Good night,” Sam whispered back. He was still shocked and trying to process what had just happened. The boy was lying in bed, completely still, staring at the ceiling in the dark, wondering if Lucifer had really meant what he said.

As the man made no sign of making a move on him, Sam relaxed further and closed his eyes. He wouldn’t have to betray Dean tonight.

Perhaps tomorrow he would wake up to Lucifer pinning him down and slamming into him, but not tonight. Tonight he was safe.

And the way things were right now, Sam was grateful to hang on to what little time he got before he had to submit.



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