If it's red, drink it.

Dec 09, 2018 16:27

Title: If it's red, drink it.

Pairing: Dean/Sam

Rating: NC-17

Summary: The day Azazel's son turns sixteen years old, there's a big party thrown in his mansion to celebrate prince Samuel's birthday. The boy is smart but quiet, and not used to the world outside his dad's home. He also carries a secret that shapes his life and burdens him constantly. While the most important people in town will be there to take part in the event, people like Dean Winchester, the son of the town's mechanic and Azazel's enemy, is definitely unwelcome at the party. Dean, who has a reputation for his great charm and libido, can hardly resist the chance to crash this party and provoke his dad's foe. What happens when Dean, an experienced and seductive lover, lays eyes on Azazel's mysterious and shy son will cause old secrets to surface and change their lives forever.

Warnings and A/N: AU, Top!Dean, bottom!Sam, underage sex, abuse. More stuff might come up...

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Chapter 73

Dean didn’t know where to start. How to look for someone if you have no idea where he could be? Given that Azazel had so much money, he could have property in a lot of different places, and John Winchester could be anywhere right now. However, his father’s whereabouts were only half of Dean’s problems at the moment. His heart was broken, and it took everything he had not to turn around, grab Sam and hope for the best.

Dean didn’t want his father to die. He loved Sam more than anything, but if being with Sam right now caused his father’s painful death at the hands of a vampire, then Dean couldn’t bear it. Even though it hurt like hell, he tried to tell himself that he was going to be with Sam, he just needed to make sure his father was safe first, and the sooner he found him, the sooner he could come back for his lover.

After a quick stop by the beach shack where Dean packed a backpack with clothes, money and some food, he knew he had to pay Bobby a visit before he left town. The priest had to be informed of what was going on.

The moment Dean paid Bobby a visit, it was like the older man knew something was terribly wrong. When he saw Dean standing alone, a look of utter despair on his face and a backpack over his shoulder, Bobby dreaded what the Winchester was going to tell him. Hearing Dean actually say that John had been kidnapped by Azazel and was being held captive in exchange for Dean leaving Sam alone was one of the most infuriating things Bobby had ever heard.

He stood in front of Dean in the classroom, since the kid had refused to sit down. Bobby wanted to know more, he needed to know how he could help, but Dean didn’t know what to make of the situation.

“He’ll kill Dad if I stay with Sam. I need to find him, I can’t let him die like that…” Dean explained, as if he was apologizing to Sam and to himself all over again.

“Of course. You’re doing the right thing, Dean. He’s your dad, you need to save him,” Bobby tried to reassure the boy, because he could tell Dean was in great need of hearing that. “Sam will wait for you, you know he will. And he’s strong, too. So go find your dad and I promise I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“Thank you, Bobby. Please do whatever you can to protect him. I know Azazel won’t kill him, but he’ll look for a way to punish him for our relationship.”

“I’ll do what I can, Dean.”

“I…I need to go.” Dean looked around, but he didn’t move.

“Where are you going?”

Bobby’s question pushed his buttons and Dean felt the tears sting in the back of his eyes.

“I don’t fucking know…” his voice broke and he looked at Bobby with lost and pleading eyes.

“Jesus Christ, Dean. Calm down. I know this situation is awful, but you have to try and get a grip on your emotions, okay? I know I’m gonna be asking something impossible here, but please try to forget about Sam a little. The more you focus on bringing your father to safety, the faster you can be together again.”

“Right,” Dean nodded and wiped at his eyes. Easier said than done, but he knew Bobby was right.

“I got some books here…John borrowed some stuff when he was investigating Azazel. You said it looks like a vampire has got him.”


“Then you’ll need to be prepared if you find one. I’ll get the books for you.”

“Thank you.”

“You should start looking in the nearby cities. It’s a long shot, but you gotta start somewhere. Do you know Azazel’s license plate?”

Dean shrugged. He didn’t.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll find this and more in the material I’ll give you. Your father was doing a thorough job of gathering information on the man.”

“Thank you, Bobby.”

“Don’t thank me, just go get my friend, right?”

Dean nodded and swallowed hard.

“You should ask around, Dean. Check gas stations, places that have security cameras in the main avenues and roads. It won’t be easy, but Azazel must have left a trail. This wasn’t planned. The way you told me it was probably something very impulsive and desperate of him.”

“I believe so.”

“And kid…there’s this guy I know. His name’s Rufus,” Bobby said. “He can arrange some fake IDs for you. You’re gonna need them if you’re going to ask around, Dean. My advice, go find my guy, get some police officer or some sort of law enforcement ID that will grant you access, buy a decent suit and don’t lose heart.”

“Thank you so much, Bobby.” Dean had once again walked into Bobby’s church a desperate man, and he was leaving feeling a bit better, like there was still hope. “Sounds like a plan.”

“I promised I’ll look after Sam. Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I will.”

“Good. Now sit down for five minutes and let me get the stuff for you.”

~ * ~

When Sam woke up, he was lying in his bed in the mansion. It took him a moment to understand why he was back home, and why he felt so weak. He turned his head to the place where he normally saw Crowley sitting and watching over him, and his heart raced.

“I’m glad to see you’re finally up…” Lucifer smiled and got up.

Sam took one look at the blond man's face and everything came rushing back-John having been kidnapped, Dean being forced to leave to save his life, Azazel telling him he was going to be married off to Lucifer right before sinking his fangs into his neck.

Lucifer walked towards the bed slowly. According to Azazel, the boy hadn’t been feeling his best, and the scars from his trauma were still just below the surface.

“How do you feel, Prince?” he asked softly and sat by the bed.

Sam couldn’t bring himself to say anything. It was like he was in shock or something. He couldn’t believe any of those dreadful events had been real. For a moment everything had seemed like a really bad nightmare, but waking up to Lucifer in his room made everything feel extremely real.

The older man let is hand rest on Sam’s leg, and the boy stiffened involuntarily and shied away.

Lucifer retreated his hand. Poor thing. He could only imagine how badly the assault had affected his poor, naive soul.

“I’m fine, thanks,” Sam said, eventually. He looked around, uncomfortable under Lucifer’s intense gaze. “Is my dad around?” somehow it seemed important to know whether he was alone with Lucifer.

“He’s in his office. Do you need anything?”

“No, not really.”

Lucifer studied the boy. He seemed uneasy. There was definitely something different about him, some sort of sadness that hadn’t been there before.

“I missed you, you know. You look lovely.” Lucifer wondered whether he should try to talk to the boy about the abuse or just give him time. Azazel had told him that Sam didn’t like to talk about it, that he might shut down or even be in denial if Lucifer tried, so he chose to wait. There were many nicer things they could be discussing. “Has your father told you the good news?” he beamed.

Sam frowned. Were there any good news in all this?

“He’s given his consent. So if you want to, we can get married as soon as we have everything ready.”

No, of course there were no good news.

Sam thought about his reaction carefully. If he said or did the wrong thing right now, it might very well cost John Winchester’s life. Azazel didn’t just want him for blood drinking. He had made it clear that Sam was supposed to be with Lucifer, even though how he planned to do that given that Sam was already married to Dean was still a mystery.

“That’s…good.” Sam managed to smile. Say the wrong thing now and Dean might never forgive him for causing their father’s death.

Lucifer smiled widely.

“Does it please you, then? The thought of us getting married?”

Sam chewed on his bottom lip.

“I will do as my father sees fit for me.”

Lucifer frowned. That was not the answer he had been expecting. “Right…but is it something you want to do, Samuel?”

Sam didn’t want to lie, but he couldn’t be completely honest.

“I…I’m afraid I’m not the boy you think I am…” he apologized. “I may not be the person you want me to…”

“Oh, sweet Prince…” the boy’s words melted Lucifer’s heart. Sam had unknowingly said the right thing. “Of course you’ll be perfect. I don’t care about whatever happened in the past.”

“You don’t?” Sam sounded surprised.

“No. I love you just the way you are.”

Sam frowned. Had Azazel told Lucifer about his relationship with Dean? Sam doubted he had, but Lucifer must know something considering the way he was acting.

Lucifer took Sam’s hand and kissed his fingers.

“I promise you I’ll make you happy. How’s that? Are you excited?”

Sam forced himself to smile and nod, he didn’t trust his voice.

Azazel showed up by the door and looked at the scene. His lips curved with approval. Good. At least Samuel had understood he really meant his threat on John’s life if he didn’t obey.

“What a lovely scene…” Azazel said softly.

Sam pulled his hand back and got on his feet. Lucifer did the same.

“Did Lucifer tell you the good news? You are to be married in no time.”

“I told him,” Lucifer answered. “I can’t wait.”

“You know, you shouldn’t have to wait. After everything that has happened, you have my blessing to get married as soon as possible.”

“It takes time to plan a big wedding,” Lucifer pointed out.

Azazel and Sam exchanged a look. Sam wondered what would happen if Lucifer found out he was already married. The boy had an idea that making Lucifer angry would not have a positive effect on John’s life. Besides, Sam couldn’t bear the thought of having a big wedding in town. The less people knew about it, the better. Including Dean. Sam knew he might find out through one of his friends in a few days, but Sam hoped he would be already too far away in his search for his, for their, dad. Sam could handle himself. He could stay and do his part, he wouldn’t be a burden for Dean to worry about.

“I…I don’t care for a big wedding. I’d be happy with something small, you know. Just us…” he said.

“But sweetie, you deserve the world,” Lucifer protested. “I can give you the world.”

Sam looked sort of devastated and Lucifer frowned.

“The boy is shy, Lucifer. Besides, he’s probably eager to get out of this house and go live with his husband, isn’t that right, Samuel?”

Sam didn’t say anything. He hated Azazel. How could he have been so blind all those years? How could he have actually believed that blood sucking vampire truly loved him?

“Well, if that’s what you want, I suppose we could have a small ceremony. You call the shots, baby. I just want to make you happy.” Lucifer stroked Sam’s hair.

Sam cringed, but didn’t pull away. Lucifer was handsome, and he was being very gentle. The problem was that his heart was all Dean’s.

The boy had no idea how he was supposed to share a bed with Lucifer. What if he just couldn’t? What if his body shut down?

Well, those were problems for later, Sam thought. In that extremely delicate situation, he had to take things one step at a time if he planned to keep sane.

“Thanks,” he said.

“Well, that’s decided then,” Azazel said. “I also asked Lucifer to buy a house in town. I know you want to be close to family, right sweetie?” Azazel had made a deal with Lucifer. At least for a few years, they were supposed to stay in town so Azazel could drink from Sam, after all the boy still had some tender years before he was a grown man and less likely to bend.

“Right.” Sam didn’t want to move, he couldn’t move. How was Dean supposed to find him if he weren’t in Glasstown anymore.

“It’s all right. I’m already negotiating a house not too far from here. This way, when I have to travel for work and you can’t come with me, at least you won’t be completely alone.”

Azazel watched Lucifer-the CEO was completely infatuated with the boy. The backstory he had fed the wealthy man about Sam being raped would definitely help the boy into easing softly in that relationship. If Sam was smart he would learn to take advantage of Lucifer’s patience and grow used to idea that things had changed.

“I’m afraid it’s getting late,” Azazel pointed out. “Samuel is still a bit under the weather. He needs his rest.”

“Of course,” Lucifer said. “I will visit you tomorrow, Samuel. Can I call you Sam?”

Sam smiled very faintly, and Lucifer took that as a yes.

“Goodbye, my dear Sam.” Lucifer went closer and planted a kiss on Sam’s lips.

The boy stood completely still until it was over. Between Lucifer’s lips on his and the look he knew was on Azazel’s eyes, Sam felt something glow and burn inside of him, some supernatural source of angry power that nearly made him shove Lucifer and charge against Azazel.

Rationality had the best of him, though. He wasn’t strong enough to win this fight. He needed to think and come up with a plan, because just sheer anger and physical violence wouldn’t help him be with Dean again.

Sam watched as Lucifer walked with Azazel out of his room and probably out of the house.

The boy looked around, and again his eyes rested on the chair Crowley used to occupy. ‘God, I miss him’. Sam never thought he would feel that way, but he missed Crowley so bad it hurt. Even if there was nothing Crowley could have done for him in that situation, his would still have been a friendly face that might help make all this easier.

Sam went to the balcony and his heart was once again assaulted with memories, this time of Dean. Sam closed his eyes and he could remember the first time they were together in there…the way Dean had come back to see him again after the party, the kisses…

“God, stop…” Sam chided himself when the tears threatened to surface. He took a deep breath, put on his shoes, and went downstairs to meet Azazel.

The vampire had already seen Lucifer out, and he looked at Sam as they stood alone in the living room.

“I’m going out. I need to see Bobby,” Sam announced.

“The priest who was supposed to teach you but instead helped you get laid?” Azazel provoked.

“Look, Bobby had no choice in this. Up to the last minute, he thought we were friends.”

“That still puts him in the wrong. We wouldn’t be in this situation right now if it weren’t for him letting it go this far.”

“I took it this far, those were my choices. And I need to go and talk to him.”

“What makes you think I will let you keep in touch with Bobby?” Azazel seemed almost playfully curious.

Sam narrowed his eyes.

“You took away the person I love the most in my life. You took away my friend, Crowley, who luckily disappeared before you could do him any harm, and you took away my family, because you were never my father. Take Bobby away from me and there’s not much to live for, is there?”

“What do you mean?” Azazel’s smile faded.

“I mean, I’m doing what you want me to, but Bobby’s all I have left. I’m going to see him, and you won’t stop me.”

Azazel seemed to consider that for a moment.

“Does Lucifer know I’m already married? I suppose that would make him pissed at you, wouldn’t it? I suppose that would ruin your plans…”

“I will have John killed if you tell him.”

“Oh, I won’t. That doesn’t mean he won’t find out, though.”

“Is that a threat?” Azazel’s yellow eyes were just slits on his face.

“Do you wanna find out?” Sam shot back.

It took Azazel a moment to swallow down his anger and relax. He smiled. Bobby was harmless. After taking John and setting Dean on the run, there was nothing that old priest could do to ruin his plans.

“Fine, Samuel. You can go talk to him. And while you’re at it, see if the two of you can come up with a way to fake marry you to Lucifer, I don’t care what needs to be done. You can either have him help you or I’ll just go ahead and kill Dean. I suppose that would make you available to be married again.”

Sam did his best to hide his anger. He knew Azazel was provoking him, and he wouldn’t fall for it.
Instead, he grabbed his coat and let himself out.

~ * ~

Walking alone through the streets of Glasstown made Sam felt hollow and broken. Knowing that Dean was probably far away right now, and not knowing when they would see each other again, just added to his sorrow. When Sam knocked on the church’s door, night was beginning to fall. As he waited for the door to open, he felt the wind on his cheeks, the cold, and realized he had been crying.

“Hey, kid…” Bobby hadn’t expected to see Sam so soon. He didn’t even know if he would see him again, if truth be told, regardless of what he had told Dean.

“Bobby…” seeing the only friendly face Sam still had left in his life was enough to make his control slip. Sam’s tears came back and he threw his arms around the older man.

Bobby squeezed him tight and didn’t say anything.

“He’s gonna make me marry Lucifer, Bobby.”


“Azazel doesn’t care that I married Dean. He’s selling me to Lucifer, and if I don’t comply he will have John killed.”


“Bobby…” Sam tried to be calm, but there were sobs squeezing his throat painfully. “I don’t think I can do this. I don’t think…”

“Calm down, we’re going to talk okay?”

“I…I want to die, Bobby,” Sam gave up and confessed. “I tried to be strong for Dean, because he needed me to, but I don’t think I can go back to Azazel drinking blood from me and I don't think I can be Lucifer’s husband…”


“I want to die!” Sam sobbed. He thought of his entire life, seeing everything for what it really was-abuse-not love. Never love. Never love until Dean came along, and now he was taken away.

“No one is going to die. Let’s sit and talk, okay?”

Sam was shaking when Bobby made him walk into the church and closed the door behind them. This had been a long day and it promised to be a long night. He would talk to Sam and do everything he could, but he understood the boys’ despair, so for now he just let Sam cry. For now, Bobby listened and waited, because never was a story of more woe than that of the brothers.


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