Who's afraid of the dark?

Mar 28, 2015 21:21

Title: Who's afraid of the dark?
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It should have been just another birthday, but it wasn't. When Sam disappears mysteriously, John, Dean and Bobby team up to start a desperate search for him. Meanwhile, Sam wakes up in a strange, cold room, where no one talks to him, although he knows he's being watched. He' ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

ayane42 March 29 2015, 02:53:04 UTC
as always, awesome chapter!

poor Sam, just stuck in that bright room!! even though he's not. this is going to be tough all around!


lukinha_jesus March 29 2015, 03:49:57 UTC
Thank you, dear! Glad you like it! =D

It will be a tough, but hopefully enjoyable, road. ;)


mdlaw March 29 2015, 05:00:59 UTC
This is bad,very very bad. :( m


lukinha_jesus March 29 2015, 15:12:00 UTC
But at least Dean is there now... :)


sandycub March 29 2015, 05:05:58 UTC

Excellent as usual!  My heart just breaks for Sam after all he has gone through.  Of course he had a panic attack and isn't speaking!  He has been through so very much and he is really going to need Dean to help him out of this darkness.


lukinha_jesus March 29 2015, 15:17:44 UTC
Thank you!! :DD
Well, you know, there is no easy way to bring Sam back after all the darkness he's been through, but as you said, Dean is there to help him now. =)


Edition 3,177 livejournal March 29 2015, 05:26:42 UTC
User clex_monkie89 referenced to your post from Edition 3,177 saying: [...] by and (NC-17) Who's afraid of the dark? 19/? [...]


reanna983 March 31 2015, 00:19:01 UTC
I'm so glad that Sam is trusting Dean even if it's just a little just on reflex. Loving this :)


lukinha_jesus March 31 2015, 09:59:13 UTC
"Just on reflex".... Love that! You're very right, indeed! From now on there will be plenty of those little trusting moments, enjoy them. ;))


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