Quick decisions, a lifetime of permanence.
One of my biggest faults that I've come to realize is that I am terrible at sticking with decisions. It's really unfortunate, quite portentous, and I'm working on fixing this whimsical attitude of mine. Really. Maybe I have a problem with having things "set-in-stone" for me, or maybe I'm just naturally capricious. Either way, hobbies, relationships, majors, careers, etc... they're all affected, most negatively too. And it's grown to become something that I really loathe about myself. Anyway, I've decided to stick with biology as my major rather than switch over to a math major. Why? Biology leaves me with a myriad of more options with possible careers and personally, it's more interesting to me. Tenfold. Something I care about to some extent, and moreover something I believe in. Yesterday I dropped my Linear Algebra class with the reasoning that the class was unnecessary and too demanding; instead of being miserable in a class that I didn't even need to take, I decided to take my Chem 120 lab that I didn't get AP Chem credit for back in high school. After some mass confusion, here is my definite schedule:
- Biology 119 - [11:30 am - 12:20 pm]
- Intd 105: Madness in the Media - [5:00 pm - 6:15 pm]
- Chem 125 Pre-lab - [7:00 pm - 7:40 pm]
- Math 223: Calc III - [2:00 pm - 3:40 pm]
- Chem 125 Lab [6:30 pm - 9:10 pm]
- Biology 119 - [11:30 am - 12:20 pm]
- Intd 105: Madness in the Media - [5:00 pm - 6:15 pm]
- Biology 120 Lab - [9:55 am - 12:45 pm]
- Math 223: Calc III - [2:00 pm - 3:40 pm]
- Biology 119 - [11:30 am - 12:20 pm]
A lot of night classes -- a very Luke-esque schedule I must say. I am pleased, especially since I don't have to wake up Scheißearly. It's the lightest schedule possible since I'm only taking 12 credits this semester, but I outlined my schedule for the fall and I'm on course. Hopefully with a lighter load I'll be able to get a 4.0 or so this semester -- that'd be cool. My lackadaisical attitude acquired me a 3.76 last semester, which isn't too shabby, but I want to graduate at the top of the class. Summa Cum Laude baby -- 3.80 to 4.00. Highly unlikely. I must be going now though; there is work to be done. Oh, and I was shut out of German 102 because my professor didn't get the go-ahead for a second course. So I'll be teaching myself German 102 this semester in the comfort of my dorm; that way, I'll be fit for meine Reise this summer as well as German 201 in the fall. Shut me out, fuckers... I'll do it myself.
For some reading entertainment: