Feb 17, 2004 19:45
today i went to school. ate ice cream in first block. had two bowls of some porphrytic ice cream if you know what im saying...pay attention in earth sceince. then i can home drummed a little bit then drummed some more. i really want go purchase an x box. i also want to go snag a darkest hour cd. guillotiners havent had a practice in weeks that depresses me greatly. last night i tried to take a cat nap around 5 ish but ended up sleeping till 10 at night i stink at naps. or maybe im just really good at them. well the tooth and nail tour is coming up in a few weeks and that excites me greatly it will be awesome. im starting to take drum lessons soon here. i took them back in the day but quit cause i have no self motovation for anything. except kicking back and drinking a nice cold stewarts orange and cream with the dudes. ive met alot of new friends these past few weeks they are all too cool for me but i enjoy the internet conversations. kyle upton is grounded. and that stinks cause he can bring cho and bp over to jam but o well. we will get plenty of jam sessions soon. and we will rock your world one day. if you can sing......well and want to be part of the new sensation please leave me a comment if not then go learn how to play the mandolin then you can be in our band cause mandolins are sick. well also all you fans out there look for the new hit soap opera "Brodowns of our Live". im starting to use my silk screen actually i havent figured it out but one day i will be the master shirt maker. hold me closer tiny dancer. my mom wants to take me out to the barn she works at i might go cause she said they might give me a job this summer which would be swell. i can learn how to run up behind a horse and jump onto it like u see in those movies. well i want to be able to do that but i would probably die cause the horse would kick me and im scared of horses cause one attacked samdahl and broke her arm. i watched fight club sunday night and if you havent seen it i would strongly recomend you to go out and buy it right now and watch it till your eyes fall out cause its awesome.i have a new friend by then name of becca. and she is gnarlcat aka. totally awesome. if she could play the accordian i would marry her. caitlyn casey is nice. although she might be a little too cool for me. she is fun to talk to and i worship her. kacie is a nice girl i wish she would hang out with me. rae is the best girl in the world. she lives in norfolk and is old. but she is awesome. kyle upton. is kyle upton. thats all i must say. ashley samdahl and i are swell friends now that excites me. im going to grow my hair out now. its going to be long and then for spring break it will be a diffrent color than it is right now im debating between many colors. i need more input. if you have read this far i would like to marry you. cause i have been going on about nothing for the past 10 minutes and i love it. i dont sleep well anymore. ich liege(i lay) in bed and watch mtv hoping a good song will come on but it never does except the occasionaly darkness or yeah yeah yeahs. tomorrow is a b day it wont be fun. i havent been to the gym in a while that kinda depresses me i really need to go but i have been kinda sick for a while. some what 2 weeks now. it sucks badly. ok this has gone on long enough.