Fic Challenge #4 - Prompt

Apr 22, 2009 03:34

Note: Although these are called fic challenges, if you wanna submit fanart, graphics, fanmixes, fanvids, manips etc etc etc, that's completely welcome and encouraged, as long as it's inspired by the prompt!

- Voting for Fic Challenge #3 is still open HERE
- Please read the rules HERE before participating.
- If you would like to submit a prompt to be considered for future fic challenges, you can post them in a screened comment HERE

Fic Challenge #4:


Deadline for Posting Fic: Wednesday, April 29th, midnight GMT (8pm EST)
Posting Guidelines: Fic must be tagged with: fic challenge: 4. sinks to be eligible. Please also follow the comm rules and tag your fic by author, rating & genre.

As always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to comment here or PM me. I'm very flexible on the deadline so if you need it adjusted, please speak up! :D

fic challenge: 4. sinks, mod post: challenges

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