to give my endless list of friends and admirers an idea of how inconceivably busy i am, i have compiled a list of things i am doing other than hanging out with you or frequenting my regular hang outs to make stalking me easier:
+ theses
redefining the museum] [
birthing center in tanzania]
yes, that is actually the plural for "thesis." and yes, i have two of them. no actually, my school requires only one. so you can imagine the ridiculous work load i subjected myself to this semester.
+ two majors
although i have been digesting the probability of switching my major for about a year or so, i didnt really take initiative until this semester when i decided to minor in industrial design. i punked out on switching to ID because of tuition cost, student loans, and insurance complications. i aspire to going into the industrial design field immediately after graduating, so my time is spent doing enough work on my theses to appease the gods of interior design, while building a strong enough portfolio in industrial design to impress design firms.
+ interning
i work tuesdays and occasionally on the weekends for my professor
scott richardson. i spend nine hours straight drawing blockouts and rendering, jabbering about design, listening to indie rock, and making fun of each other. knowing that i enjoy waking up earlier than normal to go to work confirms that i am not completely and hopelessly lost in my decision to have a career in the design field.
+ work study
sundays i work for five hours making sure kids arent stupid enough to steal equiptment from our ID computer lab. i also help students plot or use software they dont understand, which is mostly every program, since our school doesnt train us to anything applicable to our majors.
+ freelancing
our school built an addition to our school called the future center. how inspiring. it provides cheap student labor to companies with the implied benefit of networking and "real life" experience. scott offered a project to matt, mike, and me to work with a company called balanced growth.
the rest of my time is spent not eating or sleeping enough, developing a portfolio, contacting possible job opportunities, accidentally watching law and order:svu for three hours straight instead of doing homework, and going to doctor's appointments.
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." -- Thomas Edison