14 February 2005
Title: Ponce
Author: Orli
Pairing: Charlie, Sawyer
Rating: PG
Summary: 100 words. "Homecoming" Charlie and Sawyer fight over the diary.
Cross-posted at
lost100 ,
a_complex_guy ~
There’s fire in his eyes as he rushes forward and knocks the diary out of Sawyer’s hands. He follows it up with a fist to Sawyer’s bandaged arm as he lets the rage take over him.
“Ow!” Sawyer bends over in pain, almost too shocked to move. The last thing he’d expected was for Charlie to hit him.
Charlie reaches down and as he grabs the diary, Sawyer swings his fist into his face, sending him whirling back. Sawyer snarls, his pride bruised.
Charlie catches his balance and gingerly touches his busted lip. He scowls. “You hit like a ponce.”
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