Mar 25, 2006 00:00
I sit here thinking about alot of things. I cant seem to understand the reason why I try. I fail so many times that I get my feelings, my trust, my honesty, and respect hurt. Yet with bitter defeat I stand up again and take another stab at this failed life I see before my feet. To me this is how my life has always been, a challenge, a fight with my on going life. Still when I get knocked down by any punch that comes my way, I have the ability to stand back up and keep fighting. Every time I get irritated, yelled at, accused about even the smallest thing, I take charge and hope that something will be resolved. It's the bitter sweet shymphony and I keep my head up in hope that something great will happen to me. Yet I seem to be trapped in a sour phase of endless doubt. I hate how my life shifts and turns like a fucking wheel and axel. Not going anywhere, staying in one place. I find that I am dating the same females. Maybe I need to find a nicer girl, Maybe I will be forever single, cause I can't stand to be alone and I can't stand to be with a girl who always test me and irritates me cause some how or another she feels like I am lieing. I hope that my life gets better cause I feel as though the more I wait the more I feel like I am being pushed away. I don't want to sit here forever hoping that I can find something.......May all ye be in good passion these evenings with hope that life has a way.