
Mar 10, 2009 14:03

Dream: Staying at a community house where everyone was staying at. We were all dressed in some sort of uniform or costume (unrecognizable design/insignia, but it was definitely non-military).At some point I run to the bathroom and have a really long pee. I get out and I see the woman of my dreams* (figuratively, literally, you name it) and we have a little chat.
"Do you want to... go in the room?" I ask her hesitatingly.
She gives me a look and finally nods with eagerness. We hold hands and we enter the room.
It seems to be a community room, with about 6+ beds. One of the other individuals was rustling around, but quickly left the room as soon as we entered.
I stared into my loved one's eyes and hold her tight. She is very beautiful and looks back at me with those eyes that I longed to see looking back at me.
I have all this emotional/romantic desire built up... and then I wake up.

Dream: Running around in a futuristic city-like Chinatown, with close/tight car maneuvers and parking spaces. People can teleport from location to location using rubbery teleportation tubes (looks like those balls with rubbery arms coming out, but works like Starcraft nydus canals without the creep).
I get out of a parking spot and I evade a couple crazy drivers, take a couple tight city turns in true Initial D style. From there, I end up being chased in a car, then on foot, through teleportation tubes.

Dream: Bathrooms have a secret connection to other bathrooms in the world. When one person (in the dream, I did) discovers that writing on the tiled bathroom walls can get you seemingly random messages from other bathroom walls. I showed a couple girls what I had discovered and they were completely freaked out. Would you be? Then I "exit" the dream by entering a teleportation tube from the previous dream.

*It's actually someone I know.
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