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domluver December 29 2012, 04:39:48 UTC
Name: Meagan
Age: 24
Location: South Carolina
Describe yourself in two sentences: A book loving nerd who loves to play video games. Working in retail is a bitch.

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: Wrestling, Dr. Who, Once Upon a Time, Avengers, Star Trek, The Big Bang Theory
Your Top Ships: John Cena/Randy Orton, Doctor/Rose, Steven Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Snow/Charming, Hatter/Belle, Belle/Rumple, Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Bones
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests:Reading, writing, video gaming, disney princesses, baseball & hockey.

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: I like someone who comments and doesn't mind my interests and won't judge me.
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: Both, I try to comment but sometimes at the end of the day I just scroll. But I comment as much as I can.
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: Just be older than twenty, I don't feel like I can connect with these youngin's now.
Anything Else?:

... )


distorted_r December 29 2012, 07:31:12 UTC
Awesome a gamer! I haven't seen a gamer in friending memes in a while. And yesss Kirk/Spock and also Uhura.

Our Journal portions are pretty much the same, so I doubt there will be any issues. I don't judge and damn I don't like people who do. If I don't care for the issue or fandom you are talking about, I generally scroll. lol


domluver December 30 2012, 01:47:37 UTC
Sure I'll add, I don't have any gamers on my flist :)


(The comment has been removed)

domluver December 30 2012, 04:23:20 UTC
It will happen :)


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