You Name: Kim Age: Old enough to know better Location: Illinois Describe yourself in two sentences: Family woman who is married with 2 kids and works a lot. Fandom obsessive person who loves tv but is also a very shy person.
Your True Loves Your Top Fandoms: Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Fringe, Castle, Once Upon A Time, Lying Game, Switched at Birth, Harry Potter Your Top Ships: Dani/Drogo, Ned/Cat, Doctor/River, Castle/Beckett, Peter/Olivia, Bay/Emmett, Ten/Donna, Doctor/Rose Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Photoshop addict, reading, (started the Castle books recently, OMG) music, my KIndle, family
Your Journal Stuff You like in an LJ friend: things in common, posting frequently, commenting every now and then doesn't hurt - I am open Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: I am more a lurker due to all the overtime at work but I read everything. I comment when I have something to say and on some days, that could be a lot Any friending requirements we need to know about?: 18+ and no twitter only posts - don't use mine and don't read them so there isn't a point Anything Else?: As I stated above, I have kids, one of whom is autistic. I speak of him a lot. Work takes a lot of my time as well. I like LJ a lot though and stay as connected as one can stay.
I cannot believe how addicting The Lying Game is. I just watched to try it out and here I am watching it faithfully. I shouldn't be though. Damn shows.
I know what you mean. Totally ok. I'll add you now.
Name: Kim
Age: Old enough to know better
Location: Illinois
Describe yourself in two sentences: Family woman who is married with 2 kids and works a lot. Fandom obsessive person who loves tv but is also a very shy person.
Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Fringe, Castle, Once Upon A Time, Lying Game, Switched at Birth, Harry Potter
Your Top Ships: Dani/Drogo, Ned/Cat, Doctor/River, Castle/Beckett, Peter/Olivia, Bay/Emmett, Ten/Donna, Doctor/Rose
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Photoshop addict, reading, (started the Castle books recently, OMG) music, my KIndle, family
Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: things in common, posting frequently, commenting every now and then doesn't hurt - I am open
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: I am more a lurker due to all the overtime at work but I read everything. I comment when I have something to say and on some days, that could be a lot
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: 18+ and no twitter only posts - don't use mine and don't read them so there isn't a point
Anything Else?: As I stated above, I have kids, one of whom is autistic. I speak of him a lot. Work takes a lot of my time as well. I like LJ a lot though and stay as connected as one can stay.
(I seriously can't think up a way to say the kids thing without sounding like a creeper. I like moms? I like children? URGH.)
I know what you mean. Totally ok. I'll add you now.
(The comment has been removed)
I plan on watching Dawson's Creek at some point in the future too just because of Joshua Jackson. It has been recommended by many.
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