Check out this
Letter to Would-Be Transsexuals from the American Boyz site. A little hostile, yes, a little cynical, yes, but important considerations nonetheless. I guess this is what I meant in my Post-Trans post, about self-critique or self-inquiry. Of course there's problems with it, but just read it
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so, yeah, those kids ARE stupid and young.
which is not to say that all young people who consider or decide upon transition are wrong. but there HAS been a flood of late, and that concerns me.
This is a very good article to view
I have a friend who has transitioned back. After several years of T, chest surgery, etc. and it has definitely not been easy for her. There is also someone on LJ who after being on low-dose T and having surgery decided to live as female (I believe this person now i.d.'s as female, I hope I'm not wrong here). These people are out there, but as you can understand are not always standing up and telling their stories because they get slammed on all the time about their decisions.
Transitioning is not for everyone and should not be jumped into. Time and major therapy should be taken into consideration. But what is right for one person, may not be right for another
This is exactly my point, nothing more nothing less, I've never argued this, and you'd better believe I know this by heart.
As Ryan has pointed out below, there most certainly are people who have transitioned and regretted all or some of it. There are a few on livejournal, there is a website where the author tells the story of her transition and subsequent disappointment with that, and I know a handful of these people in real life, and their struggles are very real and I've been sure to keep that in my mind.
I personally never did traditional gender therapy.
There is an age limit. If you are under 22, you do need to enter the youth program (this is NY specific, I dunno about SF), where the 3 months of therapy is required...
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