I am currently in Huntington, typing as my 86 year old father slowly does dishes as the sink. The kitchen smells like pumpkin pie and turkey. The sky is overcast but I don't think it is too old outside. It should be good running weather. I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been given and hope I have done them justice.
Wow, this quarter has been pretty busy. My time in the lab has been pretty polar, one minute I have gathered some great experiment or gotten a hard experiment to work and then in the next minute I have messed something up or an experiment just hasn't work. I guess that is the nature of science...
Over the past month and a half I have written over 25 pages of scientific papers! I wrote a 3 page deans undergrad proposal ($300), a 7 page arts and science college senior thesis scholarship, and so far I have 11 or more pages of my thesis introduction complete. It will be a pretty great senior thesis, I think. I have been spending a great deal of time reading papers and looking at diagrams and I'll add a picture of the two proteins I study right now:
BRCA1 and it's binding partner, BARD1.
Two P53 molecules bound to it's DNA consensus binding site
I have finished my section of p53 and right now I am moving on to finishing the section on BRCA1 and then a section on SICLOPPS molecules. Yes!!!
Last week I prepared and cooked my first turkey for a thanksgiving themed potluck the Horsemen's association had. It wasn't that hard and I think everyone should try it once... just for the experience. Also, I created an advertisement for Horsemens that will run in the Horsemens Corral in December. This past weekend two other people in the club, Jessi Manifold and Kaitlin Murray, and my self went to the OSU horse barn and decorated a life-sized horse statue with leaves. We spray painted cutouts we made. I would include pictures but there are on my new phone and I can't figure out how to do that.....
i got rid of my blackberry... It was a huge waste of time and cash. The calendar function didn't work out like I thought it would. So, I have instead reverted back to using a paper calendar. I think this will work out much, much better.
I have not had time to finish reading Tierra Buena... I have about 50 pages left and I want to finish so badly... This winter break I will. I also ordered the Spanish versions of the grapes of wrath by Steinbeck and the road by Cormac McCarthy. I hope to start one of those, also. I hope to finish my thesis introduction and methods of my thesis and as soon as I get that finished I will move on to reading these books.
I am scheduled to give a group presentation on the 14th of December for the lab. So, I have from around the 4th till the 14th to make as much data as possible! I hope I can get these objectives done:
1. Finish cloning the SICLOPPS library insert into the BARD1 vector
2. Make atleast two or three cotransformations with a BRCA1 variant and the library.
3. Do at least 1 screening for possible drug scaffolds
4. Find 5 possible drug leads for p53
Tall order but I think I can do it.... I just keep reminding myself that I have only one chance to write a great senior thesis and this data could lead to an excellent paper.... It seems that the scientific community LOVES possible drug leads.
I have more to write but my hands hurt from lifting on back the other day with Adam. I have started working out recently for the first time in months and it feels good.
Here is a cool song:
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