ah sunday morning at the races.

Nov 06, 2005 12:21

So i went out last night, stayed up way too damn late. Then had to be up at 5:45 this morning so i could meet my mom for the race for the cure. Loads of fun. Being able to see my mom realize that she is not alone, that she has many sisters out there, even in austin alone, who have shared her pain as well as her pride was priceless. She got to take a group picture with other survivors, and talk with other women and some men, like her, who have been through the same hell that she has. A hell i hope none of us will ever have to know.

Registration for the race 25 dollars

Black ball cap with pink ribbon, ten dollars

Being with my mother a year after her cancer, and for many more years to come, priceless.

I have always said this and i will always say it. No matter the differences you may have with your family, they are the only ones you have. Even if you share nothing else with them, you share that. So unless they have done some really horrible shit, then love them, and tell them you love them, because once they are gone, it's too late, and you'll regret that you never did.

race for the cure

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