Feb 05, 2011 02:31
Drunk post time.
Im lets say a 7.4 You know. im not really good at good byes. The only person I have really lost was a friend of mine who passed away in a car crash when I was 16. This isint really the same...but I had to say goodbye to rai, chris, and soon max. Rai mabey forever, which kinda sucks because she was one of the first people from the ham to acutally build a relationship with me...so I can say she is directrly responsible for me being up here...I miss her already. Chris...I value his advice becahse he has done shit and lived life...he has insights into things that I have no idea about...I am going to miss him terribly. And max....oh many max. I dont know what I am going to do without my Ishakas (lol spelling) drinking buddy...someone who I can talk about who the fuck cares what and have it be legit...warmachine, girls, movies, games...i am going to miss him. Im getting more and more lonely...which oddly is not depressing me as much as i thought it would. Not having a girl to be interested in is just...that. Im not bummed out, not lost in a forest...im just cruisen along getting school in order and working, building warmachiien models, drinking, playing games...the usual. It seems silly to say, but everything seems back to normal...what ever the hell that is. As par for the coruse I have to mention amanda marr in my drunk post, i havent talked to her in quite some time. The time difference kinda sucks. i HO[e im not to hungover in the morning. I want to have good spritis at work. Im trying to pick the store up a little bit...i feel like they need a morale boost. Cassidy has a great attitude, i hope everyone soon picks up her enthusiam. Alright, time to listen to music then sleep.
Great night maxwell...i will not soon forget it.
drunk. i think.,