Jun 13, 2009 20:38
So this is the post where I talk about what I learned in California.
It can kind of be summed up in one sentence: I belong here.
To be honest, I missed everyone a whole lot. One person a little more, but you all know how that goes. Like I said before, the only times I really felt good and warm when I was there was when Pabo and i had dinner and when I was able to go on a hike/walk with my mom in Malibu Creek, which is our favorite place to go and be outside.
I did get alot of things off of my chest that had been bugging me, and found that at least part of my family approves of the decisions I am making. Approval of my elders is not necessary...but it is a luxury that I very much enjoy.
As for my friends, I went to California with a semi-understanding of what it would be like, and actually, found it was quite familiar. Nothing has changed. People are still doing the same stupid shit, still stirring up the drama, still stuck in Camarillo. Some of them have become sucuessful there, like Kevin, but he was that way when I left. All and all, I was reminded of why I left, and it just confirmed that the decision I made was the correct one.
A side note: My little sister said in conversation "Obama, BOOOOO. Democrats, BOOOOO!" She is *eight*. I fear for her.