Nov 24, 2008 11:42
So I was on delivery yesterday. When I know where I'm going when Im driving, my mind starts to wander, and it is one of the places i get thinking done. Anyway, I got to the house off northshore, which I found right away (I almost never do that, usually i pass it once and have to cruise back down the street). The guy was super nice, and gave me like a 7 doller tip. Thats a huge tip. Usually I get 2-4. I kinda stuttered when I said thank you, because I say how much money he was handing me for the tip, and walking away form his door I realized that I was instantly put in a better mood because some guy was nice to me by tipping me well. I mean its 7 bucks. But that 7 dollars was *important* to me, and Im pondering this walking back to my car. I sit down and turn on the car...and Smoke on the Water is playing. Fucking awesome song. My smile gets even bigger. This surprises me...Its like I was watching my emotions go up and up. But really, it was 7 dollars and a good the long run thats not all that much. But thats my point.
I realized how important the stupid little things are. Like that food you have been craving, or gaining a level, or a good song, or a kiss on the cheek, or a hug that you really need, or a 7 dollar tip, or someone saying "I love you".
So now Im considering this, and I crest Alabama St looking over Bellingham. I dont know if you have ever taken that drive at night...but its amazing. Camarillo is right next to the Canejo Grade, which goes up a mountain to Thousand Oaks, but if you cruise down the grade at night, and all of Camarillo is lit up...its one of the things I miss most. But I have found it here.
That was the best delivery I have had yet.