[Something isn't exactly right when a creature made to sing makes a written message, fortunately it's not that there's anything wrong with her voice. She simply finds this easier. The fact that it's done in the middle of the night may serve as an explanation as she doesn't wish to wake anyone up
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Still, if it would help to set you at ease, viral scans and the like could be run.
Or we could attempt to construct the technology ourselves, but that seems highly unlikely. [Robert exhales in a sigh, though it's inaudible.]
Yes, I am a Terran - the only Terran here in Luceti.
My world is a very technological, pacifistic, scientific one. It is a world free of war and violence, without geopolitical boundaries, and where rationality and logical thought are prized. Technology on my world is far more advanced than the technology seen here, even in the Battle Dome, though certain things like the teleporters would not work due to the fact they disobey fundamental Terran physics. Unlike many worlds here, Terra, and the rest of my multiverse, is entirely without any paranormal attributes.
I understand that this makes my world one of the strangest ones here.
I favor the part of building the technology ourselves, but as you say it's highly unlikely. Not being able to learn new songs puts an edge on me, there's no way around it, but after so long I suppose there's no difference between standing it for as longer as I'm forced to be here.
I don't consider it strange, I find it very interesting, a world free of war and violence. That kind of world would be an utopia for most people. In my own world there aren't many wars but we aren't exeunt of them, neither of violence, though I like to think that it's following the path that would lead to a complete lack of it.
[Though that's mostly Luka just refusing to talk in depth about the problems of her world. Just as she refuses to explain the kind of Masters she has often had, not always as good as they could have been.]
I truly do think there is some way, considering how many people here are capable of technological manipulation. Mr. Japan, for example, was able to build a television here, using components from various shop paraphernalia. So I do not consider it entirely unfeasible. I would even be willing to see if my nanocomputer might not be able to compensate to an extent.
[It is nice to hear that somebody finds Robert's world a positive one. Some people find it outright disturbing.]
I wish all worlds were free of violence. If nothing else, it seems a state more pleasant for everybody involved. But for whatever reason, it seems that only Terrans have managed to achieve this state.
[And in Robert's case, he is almost unaware of the problems in his world. Some of them go over his head - others masquerade as positive things and he doesn't see past the surface.
... Though that's slowly starting to change, with the insight he's gaining here in Luceti.]
I wish that too. I know of some worlds were there has been war to reach for peace but I can't help but wonder how long such a peace can be maintained. Humans tend to disagree so easily, what's good for one is bad for the other. Worlds under a tyranny that is fought and defeated to install a democracy may have people who were happier with the previous system and would like to recover it.
It seems that once a fight starts, no matter what, more will follow eventually. It's pretty sad.
[After a pause, Robert writes, thoughtfully:]
For some reason, Terra has seemed to be able to break the cycle of violence. I cannot claim any reasoning as to why, only that it must have been effective if every other world is violent.
[Quiet, underground violence... fights still happen, but they just have another name.]
That's unfortunate, if you knew the key that broke the cycle in your world then maybe others could take advantage of it as well and break their own cycles. Though given the amount of worlds here and the number of probabilities there's even a chance that maybe your world never had a cycle of violence to begin with.
Terra certainly did have violence in its barbaric past, as sad as it is to say, but Terrans have been able to move past it. Perhaps if I research more about pre-Terran conditions, I can find an answer.
[He may very well, eventually - but he probably won't like the answer he finds.]
It may be possible to find more information, but I am not certain.
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