[Today Luka Megurine will be no where to be seen. Besides the fact that all of KAITO's things have vanished in thin air, her room will be found to be a complete mess, apparent signs of a struggle and even drops of her "blood" around. Her journal will be nowhere to be found either and she won't be answering through it.
For all effects, Luka Megurine has left Luceti.
Later on, in the early afternoon, Luceti habitants will be greeted to the sight of a young man with pink hair, light violet wings and the white cotton pants of a New Feather. His hair is short and besides the pants he's wearing a lose shirt that may be a bit too big for him and which he has obviously just picked up at random. He's frowning around, his expression confused and lost while he sits at the fountain.
singing for himself, not too low to not be heard but obviously not in real search of attention. Care to welcome this apparent newcomer? Question him about his similarity with the known Vocaloid Luka Megurine?]
[ooc: Okay here's the deal, after returning from the Closed Space Luka was greeted by KAITO channeling Haruki and doing his own version of KAITO's Disappearance by going back home. It didn't make Luka a happy camper, at all, specially after being away for so long 'cause "it was all a dream" effect or not, a computer can't understand what that is so Luka doesn't question the reality of the events of the Gray Area, but she doesn't care at the moment. She has been gone and upon returning finds KAITO gone, God knows for how long and, let's say that she doesn't cope well with it. The shock of emotions and all is so big that she chooses to leave Luceti herself as well, but that can't be done, so instead she loads the personality settings of Luki Megurine after ruining her room and getting an almost fool-proof disguise.
Point is, unless your char has some sort of superpower that allows them to see throw X-rays or something that Luki's male chest is fake and made of silicone and that under it there is a female chest or that he doesn't have a "wee-wee", Luki looks like any other bishonen out there. The wig is also well settled so it would take a lot of strength to pull it off and chances are it would pull off even the real hair as well. Also, Luki has all of Luka's memories, obviously as they are the same person, but he won't acknowledge them. About how long will this last... Until Luka's convinced that it's worth to return to Luceti herself I suppose or she gets over it on her own. Any questions, ask here through PM or AIM.]