Aug 09, 2010 14:20
I seriously have issues. I've been texting my sister back and forth and it's not going well at all. I'm in the same place I was in the other day except for one thing. I got to throw him over to win, which is what I was working on before April got it all fucked up. I texted her this morning and told her if she had no intentions in talking to me then she needed to call Nicole and cancell on the reception. We all don't want dramam there and I can't promise April and I will get along. She said she still planned on going until I texted her. I don't see why she would think it would be okay to go to my best friends wedding and be mad at me. Kind of dumb.
I wish I could just shut her out but no, I have to care about people too much. Hooray for feelings! I sit here and think and think before another line comes out. Sometimes I feel like I find ways to fuck my life over just to put it back together again. I haven't slod anything since last friday and it's killing me which kind of makes me laugh. All I know is I'm gonna have to start buying more pot to keep my mind off things.
On the plus side I guess. Keri and I went to an open house at the art institute Saturday and I had a blast. I have a meeting with a counselor wed to see what I need to do. I should be talking my ged by next week