Step: Chapter 11

Jan 17, 2013 01:38

Step: Chapter 11
chi-eng translated, 4113 words, luhan centric, all members involved, various pairings
"With each step, 15 years of your lives will deplete"

The rowdy booth in the restaurant is filled with light, people standing or sitting are clustered together talking frantically. Other than the 12 of them, some members of senior groups and staff are here as well. Luhan looks at the mess on the table, a stack of napkins printed with "happy times" sits to the side, the boys are excited to drink their night away one more time while they still can.

There's always a couple times in your life when you just feel like the happiest person alive.

Kyungsoo laughs at who-knows-what, grabbing onto Junmyeon’s sleeve, the tipsy Jongin props one hand on the table, the other hand slightly moving down holding Baekyhun’s hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder, Chanyeol’s voice glides across his eardrums, "Happy New Year! We are going to debut~~~"
"Debut debut~~" Baekyhun poses along, everyone holds up their shot to cheer.

Everything seems to be right in front of them, January 1st, 2012. Although some beginnings may be long awaited while some endings leave people in dismay.

To the left of Luhan, Junmyeon quietly holds Kyungsoo who sits to the right of Yixing, laughing with a shot despite his ultimately low alcohol tolerance.
"Finally debuting...." Junmyeon fiddles with his shot glass, talking at a volume only loud enough for himself to hear.
Kyungsoo glances at him and leans over the table laughing, I feel like this is making me happier than actually the debut itself! It’s like everything is done and over with.”
"It's not over yet~~" Junmyeon giggles, shaking his head, “it’s a long way from being over.”
Kyungsoo nudges him slightly, what counts as being over than?” Maybe when.....” Junmyeon lifts his head to look at the famous senior leader, unable to find an answer.
Everything happens like a curved line, where a comedy novel should find its perfect ending.
"Exactly," Kyungsoo laughs under his breath, "the day we debut is the day it will be over. There's no better way to begin an end.”
Looking at him without a word, Junmyeon laughs with exhaustion, a soldier who is all ready to go on the battlefield, but feels as if he has been fighting his whole life.

Jongin holds the pen he took from Chanyeol and starts to draw a mustache on Baekhyun’s face. Chanyeol widens his cute eyes and points at the 36 non-fade text printed on the side of the pen, Jongin blinks his eye at him, making a “shh” with his lips.
“What are you doing again...” Baekhyun is half asleep waving his hands around.

Jongin holds Baekhyun’s hand in place using just his left hand, and continues his “masterpiece” on his face with his right hand, he cocks his head to the side to asks Chanyeol, “it’s washable with solution, right?”
Chanyeol supports his chin with his hand, “I’ll have to think about it a little more before telling you.”

"Don't drink anymore, look at how red your face is." Kris takes the shot glass from Yixing and puts it away on his right.
"Hahahaha~~" Yixing laughs, his eyes forming a thin line, and steals back his glass as though stealing back a toy, "I'm happy~~"
"Why drink this when you're happy?" Kris says, "this is what you should drink when you're unhappy."
"What should you drink when you happy then?" Luhan looks at him and asks.
”Kris pauses for a moment, and looks toward Luhan ".....maybe champagne."

“This is you, this is Tao, this is Luhan....” Yixing dips his finger in his drink and randomly scribble letters on the table, K, T, L....
“And yourself,” Luhan dips his finger and adds another L to the side. “Mr. Lay.”
“They’ll get mixed up.” Yixing points at the two Ls.

Kris shakes his head and also writes something on the table. The senior leader looks at Kris and smiles, interrupting his writing, “it’s not that easy being the leader.”
Kris pauses for a moment before turning back to reply, “I’m not the leader yet, so I wouldn’t know.” He laughs in embarrassment and sees Yixing pouring more liquor for himself, Kris gives Luhan a glance almost implying: “look after him a bit.” But Luhan’s stare at the table remains blank.
“You’re already acting like a leader.” The senior leader laughs.

“Kim Jongin!!!” Baekhyun props his half-drunk body against the glass by the wall, reflecting the mess on him face, “I’m gonna get you!”
“Alright, alright, alright,” Chanyeol quickly pins him down with his hands, “come back and sit, you”re gonna fall.”
“Chanyeol~~” Baekhyun grabs Chanyeol’s sleeve to wipe away his snot and tears, “I wanna wash it off~~How do I wash it off~~~”
“Don’t worry don’t worry, we can buy a solution.” Chanyeol assures him. “The store behind the back door sells solution.” He says as he nods his head at Jongin hinting him to go buy solution.

“Do you want to go with me?” Jongin smiles and whispers by Baekhyun’s ear.
“Huh?” Baekhyun opens his eyes and looks at him, then nods firmly.
“Okay~” Jongin lifts Baekyhun up from Chanyeol’s arms, half-carrying and half-cradling him outside, a staff member’s voice follows them, “Your teaser has already been released! Don’t wander around!” In reply, there is nothing but the disappeared trace of Jongin and Baekhyun.
“Six months ago they were like enemies, look at them now...” nags the staff member as he turns back to his food.

Raising his hand to look at his watch, Luhan stands and whispers to Kris, “I need to go somewhere for a bit, cover for me if anyone asks.”
Kris lifts up his head to look at him, “where are you going?”
Luhan smiles, “To confirm your show time.” He glances at Kris sluggish face and pats his shoulder, taking away Yixing’s shot glass, he pokes his dimple, “I’m going back to mission, boss.”

This restaurant has three floors, they’re on the second floor, the ring shaped hallways has lots of big and small private booths and rooms, rectangular doors are within reach everywhere. Luhan doesn’t hurry to pat on the door, instead he hesitates a bit and walks downstairs.

The lobby looks cozy, a couple of stylish girls stands by the door to solicit business. The stairs heading down on the left leads to the employee rest are and kitchen, the stairs heading down on the right leads to the restrooms, emergency exit signs hang by the restroom one. Luhan hesitates for a moment and walks down the stairs to the right.

It”s starting to snow outside, Luhan feels a little unadjusted to the sudden cold breeze without the warmth of a heater and turns back to go grab his coat. As he walks around the corner he sees the two familiar figures in the alley outside.

White snowflakes fall on Baekhyun’s hair, Jongin takes off his jacket and throws it around Baekhyun, pulling him closer into his chest, Baekhyun’s head casually droops, with squinted eyes like he’s about to fall asleep standing up.

After a couple seconds of silence and hesitance under the moonlight, Jongin gives Baekhyun a soft kiss on his eyelid.
His eyes gradually open up to the soft peek, blankly looking at the person in front of him, as if he can’t figure out what is going on but yet wanting to confirm something.

“Luhan?” Looking back, Luhan sees Tao in the distance, “what are you doing over there?” He asks under his breath as he sticks his head in attempt to glance as well, but Luhan blocks his view.
“I just needed to use the bathroom, get some fresh air but it’s too cold outside.” Luhan starts to walk back dragging him along, “let’s go back.” Tao looks towards Jongin and Baekhyun’s direction in confusement, “I wanted some fresh air too.”
“You’ll catch a cold.” Luhan says as he points upstairs, “Let’s grab a coat first.”

Luhan suddenly squats down on his way up the stairs.
Zitao walks upstairs before he realizes, “Luhan where are you? What are you doing?”
“My shoes are untied.” Luhan says, “you go ahead.”
“Ok.” Tao turns back with a baffling look and creases his eyebrows at the already-gone trace of Luhan, didn’t he wear the new pair of shoes without laces today?

Luhan softly walk to the door and rapidly takes out his phone, muting and turning off the flash as he watches the two remain cuddled up as one, he waits silently.
The he’d been waiting for has finally come, without a sound, Luhan takes a few photos using the highest megapixels on his phone under the streetlamp light. he holds up his phone to re-examine the photos, a clear shot of both of their side profiles, especially the kiss Jongin plants on his lips.

Sorry. He watches the shadow of the two not so far away from him.

Glancing at his almost-dead phone, Luhan walks out from the lobby of the restaurant and pats on the wide-open door.
He wanders on the street and stops a taxi, “take me to the nearest open copy shop.”
“Do you have money?” judging from Luhan’s thin shirt and lack of pockets, the cab driver questions him in suspicion.
Luhan takes off his watch and ring, “I’ll leave this here for now, my friend will pay you double later.”
“Get in.” The driver surveys him from head to toe.

Luhan calls Kris as he hops off of the cab, “I’m at a copy shop on Catering Street, called CopyKing, bring some money.”
“Why did you go to a copy shop?” Kris’s voice come through the other side of the line.
“I’ll tell you when you get here.” Luhan hangs up and walks into the shop.

“I need to use the internet to fax some stuff.” says Luhan, the shopkeeper makes way, hinting for Luhan to do as he pleases. Luhan copies down a couple numbers in front of the screen as he writes a few words on the bottom of the paper, he hands his phone to the shopkeeper, “I want to fax these three photos and this text to these two numbers.”
The shopkeeper looks at the photos and text without expression, “That’s fine, the prices are on the wall, how many times do you want to send it?”
Luhan looks at the shopkeeper and says, “Ten times each, on anonymous.”

Luhan walks out of the shop and waits for Kris to get out from his cab.
“Why did you come to a copy shop without money when it’s snowing hard?” Kris holds up the umbrella and throws his coat around Luhan, “And you aren’t even wear a coat.”
Luhan doesn’t reply, calling for the cab.
“I’m talking to you!” Kris folds up his umbrella and gets in the cab, sitting sideways facing Luhan.
“Pay for my ride here first.” says Luhan. Kris scrambles for his wallet and pulls out a couple bills for the driver, “for a two-way.”

“Some things might happen tomorrow,” Luhan looks in front of him, “remember, I never came here today.”
“Never came here?” Kris looks at him in bewilderment.
“Yeah,” Luhan looks down, “I won’t even remember it myself tomorrow, so you better forget it as well.”
Kris looks at him, then out the window without a word.
“What did you do after you left?” asks Kris, “Tao said you disappeared.”

Luhan falls silent, he stares out at the snow-covered white heaven, “Do you trust me?”
Kris looks out the window and doesn’t reply.
“No matter what happens tomorrow, you need to understand I have my reasons for doing the things I did, don’t bring up what happened today to anyone, including myself.”
“Yourself?” Kris Look at him in extreme confusion.
“Yeah, I need your word.” Luhan stares back.

“You’re here.” Says the driver as he hands back Kris the change.
“Put on your coat.” Kris takes the money and creases his brows.

Luhan begin to turn away to get out of the cab and stands in the snow holding his coat, still staring at Kris.
“Can you put on your coat first?” Kris walks over tugging the coat in his hands, “you’re acting like a child.”

unwilling to loosen his grip on the coat, Luhan’s stare remains on Kris.
Frustrated, Kris looks at Luhan’s head covered in snow and takes off his own jacket and putting it around Luhan, “What am I gonna do with you.” Kris sighs.
Luhan cocks his head, snowflakes fall onto his long lashes.

“Fine you have my word, now will you wear your coat?” Kris says.
Luhan smiles and shakes the snow out of his hair as he takes off and gives Kris back his coat.

10 people sit disorderly in the practice room, “They’ve had us here all afternoon while they lock themselves in the meeting? They called in Jongin and Baekhyun over an hour ago...” Chanyeol says weakly as his head falls sideways on Junmyeon’s lap, “it really worries us, leader.”
“Do you think there will be changes to the debut list?” Kyungsoo comments on the side, “Only a few people’s teasers have been released...” he starts to count with his fingers, “Jongin, Luhan, Tao...thats all?”
“Jongdae.” Junmyeon adds, “you can consider that he made an appearance too.” He looks up toward the direction of the conference room.

Kris takes out his phone, January 2nd, 2012. A day with no major memory check point, why did Luhan send him to this day....
He doesn’t recall the scene before his eyes. “Kris hyung,” Chanyeol gathers by him and pulls out a pen from who knows where, “Last night before returning to our dorms, Luhan hyung said mine was running out of ink and told me to buy another one to give to you at 9 tonight, he said it was surprise for you.” Kris creases his eyebrows.

Kris takes the pen and examines it carefully, 36 hour non-fade is marked on the side of the pen.
“What is this for?” Kris takes off the cap and randomly draws a line on his hand.
“Don’t mess around with it.” Chanyeol hurries to stop him, “It only comes off with solution....Don’t you remember? It’s the pen Jongin used yesterday on Baekhyun.” He says as he points to the conference room, hoping for Kris to remember.”
Kris is unable to search for the old memories in his brain, he looks at Chanyeol and asks, “Jongin drew on Baekhyun... then what happened?”
“Don’t know..” Chanyeol shrugs, “Then they went to go buy the solution, washed his face off, is this why they got called in there to be scolded?”

Kris glances at the conference room, then at Luhan who is talking to Sehun across the room, "okay, I have received this surprise, you don't have to tell him." Kris says to Chanyeol under his breath.
Chanyeol narrows his eyes and looks over at Luhan then back at Kris, "You guys have been really strange since yesterday,"
"What do you mean, strange?" Asks Kris.
"First he runs out without his wallet or a coat, then you got a call from him telling you to bring him his wallet, you guys didn't come back for a long time, we were all getting ready to leave." Chanyeol says, "same with Jongin and baekhyun..."
"Jongin and Baekhyun were out for a long time too?" Kris looks at Chanyeol, "before Luhan left?"
"Yeah, but they got back before you guys did." Chanyeol rubs his eyes.

Everyone's restlessness interrupts Kris in deep thought, the conference room doors swing open, baekhyun is walks out alone, his face pale as chalk.

"What's wrong? What happened Junmyeon walks up and tugs on his hand when the door of conference room closes once again. Everyone glances back and gathers by baekhyun at once.

"Say something, Baekhyun." Chanyeol pulls at his hand. his eyes stare blankly and out of focus at a non-existing focus point in the distance, his hand supporting his head, slowly running it through his hair.

"I might not be debuting." Hiding his head under his arms, Baekhyun says slowly.

The heavy atmosphere continues in the conference room, three people stand on one side of the table, Jongin on the other.
"I don't have the slight interest in what is going on between you two," the man across the table says to Jongin, "whether you guys are brothers or friends or even more, as long as I, and s long as the public doesn't find out, you guy can do whatever you want."
Jongin remains silent with his hands in his pocket.
"You guys are idols-to-be, yet you're so careless with your actions." He slams down pieces of paper with photos with texts printed on them, "having too much fun to care about your surroundings? Don't you know how sensitive this period of time is? How many eyes are on you?" He walks up to Jongin, "it's not just fans that are watching you."

Jongins eyelid droops down.

"This sentence is quite.. Technical," the man on the other side points to the text below the photo,
"The day Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun debuts together from EXO-K is the day this picture leaks on to the internet."
His eyes stays fixated on Jongin.
"You guys could call the police.." Jongin says quietly.
"You don't think enough people know about this already?" The man on the other side leans over the table, "you're just a couple of pre-debuts, do you really think the cops are really gonna care about your business!" He walks back to the opposite of the table.

"Actually.... I don't know if you've noticed," a different man across the table begin to speak, "it's not pointed directed at you two personally, but at the relationship between you two." He spins his pen, "maybe some girl or boy who had a crush on you in the past?" He looks at Jongin, "any ideas?"

Jongin tries his hardest to comb through his memory, but fails to find anything useful.

"There's still a way to fix this." The man straightens up his back, the men next to him waits in silence for him to continue talking.
"Not debuting together in EXO K," he says, "doesn't mean not debuting together in EXO."

Jongin raises his head to look at him.

"You can switch positions with Lay, like how we planned before." Lifting his forehead, he asks Jongin.

A crease forms between Jongins brows, "I already said I wanted to stay in Korea."

"There's lots of things you want," the man starts to tap his pen on the table, "but obviously there are even more you've done." He looks at Jongin, "Jongdae already made an appearance with his Chinese stage name, he can't switch positions with Baekhyun."

"We’ve already released a number of your teasers, you understand your importance to this group." He doesn't look away, "or we could always switch out Baekhyun for good, he only trained for barely a year, its not that hard to find another main vocal."

Jongin gradually lifts up his head, the clock on the wall patiently ticks, he quietly looks at the three men before his eyes.

Everyone stands up as the doors of the conference room open. The manager and grim-faced company executives walks out, followed by Jongin, his face is blank without expression.

"We have a couple of announcements to make." The manager looks at Jongin by his side then over to Baekhyun in the crowd.

"First, Lay and Kai will switch positions, both groups being Korean-Chinese was the originally idea anyways." He looks at lay as he stands next to kris in utter shock. "Also switch dorms, starting today."

"Second, the company will carry out and enforce stricter trainee rules, especially you guys." He looks at the speechless members.

"Third, 24 hours of confinement for Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun, each. If they break the rules again," he looks at the both of them, "there won't be a next time."

The executives look condescendingly at the members, as expected, no one objects, including Lay.

Of course this is for the best, the executives and manager walk out of the practice room with satisfaction. It has never been of position for the 12 of them to comment or question the decisions the company makes, they only need to quickly accept, understand, adjust and act upon the company's decision with a good attitude and standard.
"I thought at least one person would ask me if I'm okay with this." Yixing says in Chinese as he laughs.
Luhan pats on Yixings shoulder, unable to say anything.

Before walking back into the dorms, Kris pulls Tao back to wait for him, Tao looks back and tells Minseok to go first.

"I need you to do me a favor." Kris takes out the pen Chanyeol gave to him, putting it in Zitaos palms.
"What is it." Zitao glances at the pen in his hands, then looks up at Kris.
"March 22nd of next year is a Friday, I'll be resting for a bit in the afternoon, Luhan will have a fever so he most likely will be resting too. Use this pen and draw on our faces while we nap, draw as much as you can, draw till we can't leave the house." Kris says as he points to the pen.
"What are you saying?" Zitao asks with a dazed look.
Kris looks at him, "Iisten clearly, I’’ll say it one more time. March 22nd of next year, Friday, draw on our faces before dinner, draw to the extent we’re unable to leave the house." He grabs Tao’s phone, "I'll set an alarm for you."
Tao looks at Kris, unable to comprehend his words, "you, you're going insane."
Kris holds on to his phone and stares back at Tao.
"March 22nd next year?" Tao says, "you want me to help pull a prank on yourself more than a year from now?"
"Right." Kris finishes setting the alarm and hands the phone back to Tao, "don't ask anymore questions, just do it."
"Why do you always only tell of half of what's going on?" Tao laughs bitterly.
Kris looks at him, "I don't, this is an exception."
"You always only tell me half of everything, why can't you ever discuss something worthwhile and important with me."Tao’s voice grows louder.
"This is important, this is the most important thing I have ever discussed with anyone." Kris tilts up his head, "I'm serious."
Tao narrows his eyes at him.
"I also need you to keep it a secret, starting now, do not bring this up with me or Luhan." Kris says, slapping down Tao’s hand as he reaches for Kris's forehead.
"Can you do this for me?" Kris looks at him.

"I get it, you just want to prank Luhan but you don't want him to know its you, so you might as well just prank yourself too." Zitao puts away the pen in his pocket, "how bored do you have to be to do such things." He says.
Kris doesn't look away, "I need you to answer me."
Tao looks at the ground.
"Please, I'm begging you." Kris tries to make eye contact.
Taolooks off to the side, putting his hand back in his pockets, “alright I got it, don't babble anymore." He says as he walks into the dorm building.

They open their eyes, it’s quite windy by the cliff. Luhan turns to face Kris he wakes up under the moonlight.
Kris turns to look at Luhan as well, no daring to blink.

You're alive.
So are you.

The two of them remain silent in the pitch darkness, hugging each other tightly, even just for the short couple of seconds.

"How'd it go?" Luhan holds on to Kris's shoulders, breaking free from the hug.
Kris nods his head, "Jongin and Yixing switched positions."
"What about the pen?" Luhan asks.
"I told Tao to do it before dinner." Kris points to his face, then digs for his phone to call Yixing.

The wait is painfully long, Kris closes his eyes and prays silently to himself.
"Hello?" The familiar voice comes through the phone.
"Yixing?!" Kris yelps, excitedly grabbing on to Luhan.
"Yeah, it's middle of the night, what do you want?" The voice comes through again.
"Yixing? Yixing?!" Luhan yanks the phone out of his hand yells into the mic, "is it really you?!?" He is almost in tears, pinching Kris’s arm.
"Of course it's me..." His voice sounds as blank as its always been.

But it's the best voice they've ever heard.

Sitting next to the light filled door, Clown laughs with his hand in his lap facing the scribbled numbers floating on the screen across from him. 10, 17.
Original fic
Translated by lusifan and heecups
Do not repost without permission!
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