Heldensage! I should have known!

Mar 13, 2011 23:58

Went to the pub today for the pub quiz. Was awesome. We didn't make it, only the 6th place (out of nine?) but what the hell. I could only contribute with two things: the names of three sexologists (Kinsey, Hirschfeld & Westheimer) and Kitty Genovese. GUESS WHY.
I even drank a glass of beer (Strongbow) and a shot glass filled with ... something... fruity tasting. Nice. Afterwards we scribbled animals with our eyes closed - ah the hilarity.

But that wasn't what I was going to say. I found the DB Kinkmeme.
Someone requested:


Nuuuuuuuuuuu. The mental image whyyyyyyyyyyyyy aaarhgjhdjhskdl.

that's what she said, for the lulz, i don't even..., know thy enemy, srsly you guys, we call... the watchmen!, what would rorschach do?, vituð ér enn - eða hvað?

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