つうわけでさすが二宮さん出ましたな 智様の話し そりゃ二宮さん家の和也くんですから… (何が )
個展を開くうえで付随して作品集だしょ (だしょって… )
んまぁニノさん情報として作品集には作る過程(智さんのプライベートな部分 ココ )やらメンバーコメントがあると…
確かにソコは作品の次に観たいとこっすなぁ… ファン心理をよくご存知で…
成人の話し… 同じ人間…
まぁやってくれりゃなんでもいいか…(オイ )
Game Nikki X (record 100)
Well, Ninomiya-san, that's it's time to talk about Satoshi-sama ...
Because Kazunari-kun from the family Ninomiya ... (and so?)
However, it is not just gathered all his works, but also accompanied the opening of his own exhibition ...
And vice versa ...
Opening of personal exhibition was accompanied by a collection of his works
(Note: だしょ って ... here it is very nice slip of the tongue, the correct English translation is not, sorry ^ ^)
This is one of the first exhibitions held among Jonnis
Well ~ according to the information available to the Nino-san, in the process of creating his works have been taken into account suggestions from members of Arashi
(here I mean a piece of private life Stoshi-san) ...
In fact, I would like to see this place after (exhibition) ... because I know very well what the fans think ...
Of course I wanted to buy something that I had to buy, but then it turned into excessive joy
So, the most sensational person what will tell us ...
What will this week @ word from Satoshi-san ....
Talking about majority... People are equal ...
Whatever it was ... yet he a born genius ... did not understand at all me, a commoner ...
Why then, I decided to go to the J-WEB, and saw the opening of his own exhibition ...
There was set a record that - "Resolved, to open a own exhibition on the occasion of the collection of works" FREESTYLE ""
Ara ... But everything turned out exactly as Ninomiya-san said ... (sweat)
He accompanied his exhibition ...
Okay, more importantly, that he did, and thanks for that ... (oh)