You know you've been going to the university of chicago for too long when...

Mar 18, 2006 10:18

So I saw V for Vendetta last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Having just finished reading Discipline and Punish by Foucault, it actually made a lot more sense. I feel really pretentious saying that, but it's true. Michel had his name written all over that movie.
So spring break has begun and, despite the fact that my suitcase got lost by air tran, I've been having a pretty good time. I'm worried about the summer though. Now that I've gotten used to having hundreds of interesting people my age living in the same building as me, it's going to feel like a lot of effort to go out and find people to hang out with since it seems that a lot of my friends won't be hanging around this summer. It's strange how quickly this change happened for me. I used to crave being alone all the time, and now if I go just one afternoon totally alone I freak out and I can't handle it. Staying in a tiny cabin in the mountains of Wyoming for a week with my mom, dad, and sister will be good practice at solitude for me I guess.
In other news, I got a really drastic haircut, but forgot my camera cord at school so I can't post pictures. Oh well. You all will have to stand the suspense I suppose.
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