25 Things about me. Tagged in Facebook

Jan 27, 2009 18:46

Many people have tagged me in notes about random facts about myself. I will attempt the 25 random things about me. I am trying for things that not a lot of people know about me.

01. Pack rat, pack rat, pack rat. What more can I say. I used to be really bad and keep original packaging for everything with the fear of product defects resulting in me having to return it.

02. Music is my life. No matter what I am doing or where I am there is music. This seems like something everyone does but I see it as a little different. When using public transportation, I will try to hear only certain instruments to hear that specific member's sound. (Bass is the hardest to pick up though)

03. I adore my friends. I treat them like my family and that is what they were growing up.

04. I am the shower bath king. If I know I have a lot of time I will have a shower and once I am clean, I would fill the tub and just relax. I know that uses a ridiculous amount of water but it feels amazing.

05. I over analyze everything when I know I shouldn't.

06. I am self-conscious about everything when it comes to my looks.

07. Drugs. Alcohol. Cigarettes. They all were all part of my past and I plan to keep it there. 6 years drug-free. 3 years smoke-free. I do have the occasional drink though.

08. Hopeless romantic. Always have been, always will be. A decision that was made to treat my significant other like gold when I was 12 after witnessing the fall out of my parents marriage.

09. I have huge problems expressing my true feelings and opinions. I never voice them because I feel like I would be criticizing them or being a burden to others around me.

10. I used to give advice to people all the time. I stopped because I almost tore apart a relationship.

11. I love to listen to people when they have problems. I will always be that shoulder that everyone can cry on. I am a hypocrite because I tell everyone to express their true emotions but I will never do the same.

12. I really want a cat right now.

13. I have no artistic ability. I tried many things. Writing, drawing, playing a musical instrument; none of which I could do.

14. I love to clean. I have a hard time getting motivated to clean but when I do it, I really enjoy it. I enjoy the results. No, I don't sniff cleaning supplies.

15. I spent a large amount of years in a hospital and I don't disclose why unless you are really close to me.

16. I don't know if this is weird but I don't notice anyone else do it. When I drink anything, I fill my mouth up with whatever I am drinking, put the cup down, and then swallow little bits at a time. If I use a straw I don't ever do that.

17. I love movies. Any genre. Like this weekend, BRIDE WARS!

18. My favourite sound in the world is nothing which only happens late at night during a snowfall with no wind. It sounds amazing <3

19. Being spontaneous can be good at times but 95% of the time I have a schedule and I have to follow it. I book times to hang out with people well in advance. Don't mess with the schedule.

20. Like everyone, I have a sweet tooth. Unlike everyone, I LOVE vegetables! All of them. Only vegetable I do not like are Brussels sprouts, ick.

21. I am bilingual. I can speak English and Portuguese. There is only one person in the world that I will have a full conversation in Portuguese with (my mom). Anyone else, I will only say words here and there and joke about it.

22. I have a problem with technology. I often buy things that are never needed. Example: for three years in a row I bought a new phone. Motorola Razr, Sony Ericson w580i, and Blackberry Bold (current). I love my Bold so much. This will last me a bit.

23. The original 151 Pokemon. I can list them all without cheating. I use to know the Pokerap. Isn't that disgusting?

24. Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz. I use to HATE the taste of coffee. When I started drinking it, I put 6 sugar and 4 milk in it. Coffee was more a dessert of caffeine. It grew on me quickly. Now I have 1 milk in my coffee. If I order an espresso, I have it black.

25. I thought I would put a really weird one here. I will never change. The way I am now is the way I plan to be for the rest of my life. I love my humour. I love the way I care for people. I love my honesty. I love being me. As much as I get sad about either females, or my body. My personality is something that I am proud of and am glad that it is mine and mine alone.

Wow a possitive thing about myself. Enjoy that!
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