(no subject)

Dec 09, 2004 23:59

OK, I'm going to copy this from Jamie's journal so that I can have something to update with here... hehehe  And if someone could please tell me how to only show to make a link so that on the first page there is just one sentence?

1. Do you have Christmas traditions? If so, what are they?

Since Pat and I have lived together the tradition is that we go to my mom's every Christmas Eve.  My mom has always allowed my little brother and I to open one gift on Christmas Eve. After dinner Pat, my brother, and I sleep in the family room together and I am usually always the first one up before day light!

2. What is a standard gift that you love to give?

Well, I don't really have one thing in particular that I give every year.

3. Do you send out Christmas cards? Holiday letters? Both? Neither?

I like to send out cards, but have been behind the last two years.

4. Do you have a Christmas tree? If so, are the lights colored or white?

Yes. White lights.

5. Pick ONE Christmas song that you love and list it for me, please. :)

"Personal" Questions

1. What is your middle name? (Or first name if you go by your middle name)


2. What was your favorite grade in school and why?

I don't know, I had a lot of fun all through school.

3. How old were you when you got your first kiss? And, what was the boy's name?

First "real" kiss was 8th grade, his name was Frank.

4. What is one feature/attribute about yourself that you are glad you possess? Why?

5. What is your favorite room in your house and why?

I love my kitchen/family room.  It's just wide open and a great place for everyone to gather together.

Family/Home Questions

1. If all conditions (money, home, etc.) were perfect, how many children would you choose to have? How many girls? How many boys?

2 - 1 boy, 1 girl.

2. Do you have names picked out for your future children? (Please share if you feel comfortable)

Yes, but I've been rethinking them lately

3. What are some features you'd have in a dream home?

A retreat in the master bedroom, loft, seperate dining and living rooms.

4. When your children go to school are you more likely to send them to public school or private school? Or, do you plan to home school?

I don't have a problem with public school at all, I turned out fine and I attended public.  BUT, we will most likely send our kids to the private school in Pechanga.

5. What is your ideal pet?

Pug and/or Golden Retriever

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